A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM W-pII.236 I rule my mind, which I alone must rule.

August 24, 2021

Lesson 236 –

I rule my mind, which I alone must rule.

What is this mind we must rule? Haven’t we been learning to surrender to the guidance of the Holy Spirit? Yes, but opening our mind to Spirit is our choice and it is our responsibility to keep our mind attuned to Spirit’s guidance. The Course gives us so much info about changing our mind and following the guidance we receive. But we must be vigilant for this guidance. We must keep the door open. We need to be aware of which thought system we are aligning with; the egoic thought system or our One Mind. We must seek the blocks to our awareness and release them to allow ourselves to rise into our Oneness consciousness.

I have a realm I must rule. At times, it does not seem I am its ruler at all. It seems to triumph over me, and tell me what to think, and what to do and feel. And yet it has been given me to serve whatever purpose I perceive in it. My mind can only serve. Today I give its service to the Holy Spirit to employ as It sees fit. I thus direct my mind, which I alone can rule. And thus I set it free to do the Will of Source.   W-pII.236.1:1-8

It often seems that we are at the mercy of the world we live in. It appears to happen beyond our control and we are left to deal with the outcomes. Sure, sometimes there are good and happy outcomes. But, the happenings of the world seem beyond our control. The Course teaches us that this world is an illusion. We must consider that the world we think we see is a construct of our perception and rooted in our beliefs about our past that we project on the world. We can choose to see the world differently. We can also see the world more clearly by allowing Spirit to guide our perception of the world and its happenings. Otherwise, without Spirit’s guidance, our perception of the world is guided by our egoic thought system rooted in the belief we are all separate and separate from Source

In this manner, we can choose to allow our egoic thought system to rule our mind and thus the world, or we can turn our mind to Spirit’s guidance and rule our mind through the guidance of Spirit. We rule our mind by aligning our thoughts with the holy guidance of the Spirit of love and peace within us. This choice is always under our control. The choice is between love and fear. It’s a choice between ruling our mind and allowing egoic separation to rule our mind. A choice between our own holy power and helplessness.

What is your choice today, and tomorrow, and the next day? We are offered this prayer to help us make our choice whenever we are ready. Are you ready?

Source, my mind is open to Your Thoughts, and closed today to every thought but Yours. I rule my mind, and offer it to You. Accept my gift, for it is Yours to me.   W-pII.236.2:1-3

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