A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-2.V.A Special Principles of Miracle Workers

abstract background withe sea sunriseJanuary 8, 2013

The last bit of Section V, Titled Special Principles of Miracle Workers is a powerful section.  It restates some of the principles in Chapter 1 and concludes with a passage known as the Miracle Worker’s Prayer.  If we lived our lives from just this little bit of text, we would surely be in constant communication with our Source, God, and would be in a state of mind that would constantly and consistently guide us in living the life we are meant to live.  We would be fully present in the present moment and seeing ad hearing with our higher or spiritual senses.  This prayer is one of my favorite passages from the Course and is certainly worth committing to memory.


Miracle Worker’s Prayer

“I am here only to be truly helpful.

I am here to represent the One who sent me.

I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do because the One who sent me will direct me.

I am content to be wherever the One wishes knowing that the One goes there with me.

I will be healed as I let the One teach me to heal.”

ACIM T-2.V.A.18.2-6    Words inclusified by Rev. Denis Moore


If we remembered that our purpose is only to be TRULY helpful and that we represent our Source, God or Spirit, in all we do and say, how would we conduct ourselves?  How would we speak and act as we considered that we are speaking and acting on behalf of God and Spirit?  Are we willing to listen to the direction of the Holy Spirit, the Voce for God, as we speak and do in this world?  If we are questioning what Spirit is directing us to say or do, it’s time we hone our spiritual eyes and ears and let Spirit show and tell us.  Letting go of our attachment to our ego or split mind is the beginning of awakening to our spiritual sight and hearing.


Accepting that we are always in the perfect place at the perfect time in the perfect situation to learn, see, hear, and/or do frees us from the ego’s doubt and limitation that we so tightly hang on to.  Our Source IS always with us.  Spirit is always within us ready to guide us waiting for us to awaken just a little to the still quiet voice of Spirit within us.  And the passage concludes that we will each be healed as we allow ourselves to listen to the Spirit within us that guides us, teaches us, loves us, and awakens the awareness of peace within us.  We never stop learning in this world.  We never stop teaching in this world.  When we find ourselves in a difficult situation, or one in which we would rather not be we can begin the prayer, “I am here only to be truly helpful.”  Just this one thought is capable of shifting our whole state of mind and freeing us from the limitations of our limited thinking.  We know, then, that we are not alone and that Source is walking with us and guiding us, for we are now in communication with our Source.  Let it be so.


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