A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-1.IV The Escape from Darkness

abstract background withe sea sunriseSeptember 25, 2012

Do we think darkness exists? We can only answer that question for ourselves. But the Course tells us darkness is an illusion. Darkness doesn’t exist. Escaping from it is simply realizing that darkness doesn’t exist. Perhaps we think to ourselves, “Easier said than done.” This is not something we need do alone. We have all the resources of Spirit at our disposal if we are willing to recognize them. God has given us everything. It is ours because we are created One with God. We are extensions of God, not separate creations. We begin the path of recognizing this and opening our minds to the awareness of our connection with God and Spirit.

We recognized earlier that we are Spirit. This is the essence of our being. The road to this awareness begins by recognizing that the darkness we perceive is basically fear. All that is not real is basically fear. Fear forms in our mind when we forget we are experiencing love. It is amazing that the simple process of forgetting we are the essence of love can blot out the awareness of that fact. But when we turn our perception away from who we really are, we blot it out with the fear we feel because we don’t recognize who we are at that moment. So we begin to make something up, that we are a separate being. And so we look for a purpose.

Darkness is merely a lack of light. We all know that a dark room is transformed by bringing light into that room. Immediately the darkness fades away. The same is true of the awareness of our divinity, our spirit essence. The moment we turn and recognize the Divinity we really are, all other thoughts of who or what we think we are fade away in the light of Spirit and Love. The abundance that is ours through our creation, our Oneness with God, is limitless. We always have whatever we need in any situation to do what we need to do and extend the miracle we need to extend. Every miracle is guided by Spirit. We are never alone in doing miracles. Miracles come from Love and we are Love. The awareness of Love at the core of all we see, experience, and do is our connection to the awareness of who we really are.

Entering into this awareness of our divinity and love is the mindset where we are in communication with God. In this state of communication we flow with grace through all we are involved in. We may not flow so gracefully at first, but as we let Spirit guide us and move and think in this world from an awareness of Love, we will feel the arms of Spirit lift our minds to a new perception and understanding. We will begin to see and perceive with the eyes of Spirit. We will hear the Voice for God speaking to us reminding us of who we really are and extending the abundance of Love through us. Let go as you are willing and be led to that next step. You will be blessed with the peace, love, and joy that is already yours.

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