A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-1.I Principles of Miracles

August 23, 2005

We have been having discussions about what miracles really are. Miracles are happening in and around us all the time. We may not even be aware that they are happening. Principle #35 says that miracles are extensions of love and they may not have observable effects. A miracle is when our thinking shifts to right thinking, thinking that is aligned with Truth as God created it. We are constantly barraged with many “truths” in any number of forms in this world of form. Most of the time they seem to contradict each other. God’s truth is the common thread that runs through all of the “truths” we come across. Real truth cannot be put into words because words are form. Real truth comes to us through the experience of the present moment. We know that we have experienced the miracle when we find ourselves at peace, when we experience a feeling of deep joy or happiness that goes beyond the life situation we are in. There is no fear, no hate, no anger, no judgment, no jealousy, no lack, when we are in a miracle. The world may be in chaos around us, but we feel and see peace in the midst of the chaos when we allow ourselves to be aware of miracles. They always remind us and help us be aware that we all are the One Child of God, One with God.

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