A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-31.II Walking With Christ

abstract background withe sea sunriseApril 10, 2012

For our journey there is no battle we need to prepare for, no time we need to serve or wait out, and no plans we need to lay out for ourselves. The journey is simply our journey. We have all we could possibly need for that journey, however long or short, difficult or easy we make it. We can take the long and winding road in isolation or we can take the simple road of joining in Oneness. As we make our choices along our way, we either choose between the choices that seem to be before us that we made up, or we join with Spirit or Oneness to see beyond the choices we made up and see our way in Truth.

The world of dreams we made up is full of roles. We have made up all those roles we think are outside of us. And those roles we continually assign to ourselves and each other are forever in conflict. We assign the roles of leader and follower to suit ourselves at any given moment. But then we become unhappy with the role we assigned ourselves and we then blame the other to whom we assigned the other role for our unhappiness, making our unhappiness their fault rather than the one who assigned the roles in the first place. It is an insane way to do things, but it’s also a bit humorous if we’re willing to take a step back and observe what we have done.

The Course in Chapter 30 asks us to not decide anything in isolation, but to seek Spirit’s counsel whenever we realize we have a decision or a choice to make. We are asked to look beyond the appearance of whatever we see at any moment and look beyond to what Spirit reveals beyond the veil of our own separated or ego thoughts. There is the real world revealed to us. The real world, still a dream, but a happy dream reveals the peace, love, and joy of our true nature, the recognition of who we really are. In this happy dream we find the connection with each other, the realization that we are all One even though we appear to be separate and autonomous.

Take a moment and be still. Set aside everything we think we know and believe is true. Listen for the guidance of our inner wisdom that is in the Divinity we already are. We neither lead nor follow, for we walk beside each other, joined hand in hand. The One we are walking with at this very moment is One with us. We are joined in the Christ Spirit, and as we look at each other we see the Face of Christ shining from within each face and see ourselves reflected there in each other’s faces. The Truth dawns on us. It becomes apparent in this holy moment and we recognize who we really are in this holy moment of joining. This communication with each other is our communication with God and all of Creation. Treasure this joining and know it is the freedom we seek. Let it be so.

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