A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-7.III The Reality of the Realm (Kingdom)

abstract background withe sea sunriseFebruary 18, 2014

To be in the Realm of God is to simply focus your full attention on the Realm of God.  This is not a physical place.  This is not a destination.  This is simply the process of paying attention to our thoughts, to where our mind is at.  This is the process of keeping vigilant for the Thought of God, the Mind of God, the Divine state of who we really are.  When we are in touch with this higher state of mind and being, we are in reality.  This reality has no form, but it does have the experience of peace and joy.  The reality of the Realm of God is pure unconditional Love.  And this is who we really are, no matter who we think we are at any given moment.


What we believe about who we are determines our state of mind.  Though our life and our world may seem out of our control, it is our belief about who we are that sets the tone for our experience of life.  If we believe we are separate from each other or unequal in our creation, we set up a belief in limitation and inequality.  A belief in inequality and limitation blocks our awareness of who we really are and thus the awareness of our limitlessness and creative power.  To see ourselves separate from our reality, we must perceive ourselves as unreal.  Therefore the world we perceive from this separated state of mind is also unreal, for it is seen and perceived through a distorted lens rather than the Divine Mind.  As long as we believe we can see what is not real, we choose conflict as our choice.  The result of choosing to believe we are other than who we really are creates conflict in our mind and thus is the root of our unhappiness and dissatisfaction.


This choice seems to be a choice, but choosing to believe in a state of mind that isn’t real is not really a choice at all.  The Realm is not concerned with “seeming” choices for reality is ours because we are reality.  Once we realize and believe that we are the Realm and therefore reality, having and being are reconciled and there is no longer any conflict in our mind.  God lit our mind and keeps our mind lit with God’s light, because God’s light is what we all are.  We all are Divine.  We all are Holy.  We all are Love.  We all are joy and peace.  This is who we really are.  To believe anything less than that is to allow our mind to be in conflict.  So when we question who we are, Spirit is there to undo the questioning.  Spirit is here to guide us to undo our choice to believe in anything other than reality.  Resting in this guidance brings us the serenity of knowing who we really are and what we share; the awareness and the reality of the Realm.  Let it be so.

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