A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-31.V Self-Concept versus Self

abstract background withe sea sunriseMay 22, 2012

Concepts are learned. They are not based in Truth and therefore have no substance in reality. They (concepts) are solely of the world. So it is with self concepts, or concepts of self. The self concept we have of our self is made up of thoughts we have made up about who we think we are, or perhaps who we want to be. But, this concept is based in the world of form, designed to give meaning to who we are in this world we seem to be stuck in. As we move along our path in this world, this concept of self is continually changing, ever adjusting to new experiences and new thoughts and ideas. Our idea of who we are is fluid, continuously changing according to our thoughts and maintaining a “meaning” for us as we navigate the world.

This is the identity we have made for ourselves in an attempt to give meaning to our existence in this world. However, we have learned that truth and reality are unchanging. Truth and reality cannot be threatened or altered or made into something less than they are. We have simply lost sight of who we really are as we were created by God. So we did our best without benefit of the vast knowledge within us in making up a self concept to give meaning to who we are in a world that has no meaning.

God has provided us with a plan, a method to bring us back to the awareness of who we really are. The Holy Spirit is the friend and teacher God has planted deep within us. And Spirit patiently waits for us to be willing to make the shift in our perception to return our awareness of who we really are to our consciousness. To make the shift all at once would perhaps be too much for us, so Spirit takes us by the hand, step by step, unlearning each of the thoughts and ideas that are not true and helps us see our misperception a little at a time. As we remove each of there mistaken ideas, we begin to see more and more of the truth about who we really are, and who each and every one of us really are.

We begin to recognize the Mind of God within us and recognize our unity and Oneness. We begin to see how our thoughts and ideas we were so attached to are not real and are colored by our perception and the distorting lens we have been trying to see through. With the guidance of Spirit we begin the process of unlearning, similar to the process of learning which we did so well, that gently returns us to the awareness of our true Identity. That Identity has never left us, but we did lose sight of it for awhile. Now, if we choose to allow, Spirit will gently guide our decisions to bring us more and more fully into the awareness of who we really are. We moved into separation and self concept by making decisions in isolation. Now we move into Oneness by choking to make decisions with the guidance of Sprit with each step we now take. Choose to let it be so.

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