A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-30.V The Only Purpose

abstract background withe sea sunriseFebruary 28, 2012

The text we are looking at talks about the purpose of the real world. Do we understand what the real world even is? Do we understand the difference between the real world and the world we think we see? The real world is a way of perceiving and seeing the world a correctly. Our tendency is to see the world through the lens of fear, or incorrect perception. This is the way we tend to perceive or interpret all we see 6throught the lens of all our past ideas and thoughts without the benefit of Spirit’s vision.

In an earlier section of this chapter we looked at how we make decisions. We began to learn to ask Spirit for help when making decisions rather than making them alone or separated from Spirit. Asking for guidance gives us access to the wisdom of God that is already ours. Being in touch with the Divine within through remembering to consult Spirit brings us into the awareness of who we really are. It draws back the veil and pushes away the fog that clouds our vision so long separated from the awareness of the Divine within. Fear begins to fade away from our mind as we allow the Mind of God to come to the front of our awareness.

The real world is a world without fear and filled with love. We understand the thoughts of idols and how they affect our thinking and our awareness. In the real world we still see how idols distract us ad we understand the illusion of power they bring. Yet we also understand the power is illusion and not real. In the real world we can forgive the illusion. We understand the misperception of one another and we see the face of Christ shining from one another. No matter where another may be at with their thoughts and understanding, we recognize the Truth about who they really are and understand they are acting out their misperceived ideas rooted in their belief they are separate.

Take a moment to step aside and let go of any fear. Look into another’s eyes and see the face of Christ within them. Recognize the Divine Oneness within that one and recognize your own true Self there. The real world is Heaven on earth. It is full of joy, love, peace, and an understanding that comes from the Source within us that is our Co-Creator. Recognize your Self there. And live life fully in the awareness of the unity of all Creation, the awareness of who we really are. Here we rest in our being.

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