A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-29.II The Coming Of the Guest


November 29, 2011

Who is this Guest? How is it that this Guest comes/? How do we recognize this Guest? What does this Guest bring? And yet the Course tells us that this Guest has already come, that this Guest had brought us gifts and laid them at our feet. The Course tells us that we cannot see this Guest, but we will recognize its Presence by the presence of the Gifts it brings. How is this so? The Guest may be thought of as Spirit, the Holy Spirit, if you will. It is that Presence and awareness that connects us with the divine, the Presence of the Source, or God. It is that Presence that is within us to help us reawaken to the awareness of who we really are, One with the Source, God, and all of Creation.

We invited the Guest, just by seeking, just by the desire to understand who we are and what purpose we have in this world. In Truth, Spirit has always been within us, for it would be impossible to separate from the One Source. But our mistaken idea that we are separate form our Source has brought us down a path of mistaken ideas and perceptions that we believed and thus thought of ourselves as contained within a physical body. This mistaken idea essentially shut the awareness of God from our minds even though the remembrance of that connection, that communion has always stayed with us. And that remembrance of what is Holy within us is what causes us to seek for it in our separation.

Through identification with our physical bodies have we mistaken death for life. We have made the body’s life life, and Spiritual life coming only at the death of the body. This idea makes life temporary, limited and fleeting. But the body’s life is not our real life. Real life is eternal and unchangeable, without limits, and un-attackable. Though the physical body is temporary, and therefore not real in terms of spiritual life, it does have purpose in this world we live in for a time. It is the means by which we work on our journey to the awareness of who we really are and what is real.

Whatever we think and do, what consciousness we live in, what state of being we are practicing and living exhibit or manifest in the lives we are living on this earth. Our consciousness is reflected in our everyday lives. As we go about our daily business, whatever that may be, we are exhibiting the characteristics of the state of mind we are in at that moment. If we are conscious of the peace, joy, and love of Spirit within us, that consciousness shines through whatever we do in our relationships with each other. In this way our physical bodies function for a holy purpose; to extend the love of God to each other. And so the gifts of the Guest are extended through each and every one of us to each and every one of us. And we reawake to the awareness of who we really are and Oneness of which we all are a part. Live the blessing of the awareness of who we really are.

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