A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-29.VII Seek Not Outside Yourself

December 20, 2011

“Seek not outside yourself.” We need not look outside ourselves. Is there anything unclear abut that statement? The Course has told us again and again that we have everything we need. It has told us we lack nothing we need. It tells us God has given us all and that we have all God has. We are truly created as God is and we are an extension of God. This Truth is so simple, yet we continue to fail to see and understand it.

Our bodies are symbols of our belief in separateness. We identify ourselves as our body and all the experiences we have had with our bodies. But as we have spent our life experiencing this world of form from our body’s perspective, we have missed a greater perspective. We have missed the experiences of our unity with God and each other. No person can put asunder what God has created, yet we inadvertently attempt to do so as we continuously perceive our experiences from a separated mind rather than the Mind of God.

Our mistake is that we think God is outside of us. We think the real world is outside of us. We think all is happening to us. And we fail to understand that all that is happening is within us. What we see is more about what we perceive about what we see than what actually occurred. Any experience is more about what we think about it and how we perceive it based on comparing it to everything we think about our past that the actual thing that happened. The world we see is the world we think we see and nothing more.

Instead of looking outside ourselves to what we have projected form our mistaken thoughts, we can stop, become still, and look within to that place within us that is Divine. That place where we find inspiration that comes from Spirit within that has never left us. The understanding of Truth and what is real is deep within us, ignored, as we continually search outside ourselves for what we find already within us. Take a moment. Sop. Be still. Listen for the Voice of Spirit within. That Voice calls to us every moment of every day and reminds us of who we really are. Let yourself hear that voice and recognize yourself in that voice. Peace, love, and joy radiated from that place within. Let that radiance shine from you, radiating that peace, love, and joy to all you encounter. This is what Christmas is about. Have a wonderful, blessed Christmas as you let the Christ Spirit shine from you.

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