A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-27.I The Picture of Crucifixion

May 24, 2011

We have been talking about the picture, the image of ourselves we hold up for another to see. This image is both what we believe about ourselves and what we believe about another. As we ponder what we now believe, or at least want to believe about ourselves, we hold out our hands made gentle by Spirit. In those gentle hands Spirit places a new and different picture, image, idea of ourselves. This new image still manifests in the form of a body, for our true Self cannot be seen or pictured. But this new image has not been used for attack and so has never suffered pain at all.

This is a truly new image, different from all we have imagined before. It speaks of forgiveness, love, and compassion. This new image points beyond what we perceive to our innocence and wholeness. And as we hold this new image up to each other, we both find our tears and sorrow have been wiped away in laughter and love. The freedom of healing rises up in both of us as we see each other with healed eyes. We are released from all the mistaken ideas we thought of each other, our attack, our guilt, our sin, and any other idea that we thought justified our feeling of fear. The freedom and release we feel in this moment carries a joy and peace we only dreamed of before. Healing has washed over and through us.

Receive the gift of the image Spirit places in our hands. Gladly hold it up for all you encounter to see. It speaks of their healing and attests to their innocence. They are called forth to be believed and replace our old beliefs. They lend conviction to the system of healing they speak for and represent. We needn’t worry about the right form, or what image is right for this one we encounter now. Spirit in its wisdom and knowledge has made this for us perfectly. It has many voices and speaks to each one and ourselves in many different ways. Yet, the message is always the same for each of us and comes to us in the perfect way for each of us in that moment. The Miracle Worker’s Prayer says, “I need not worry what to say or what to do, for the One who sent me will direct me.”

Let Spirit place that perfect image in your hands made willing by your willingness. See your friend and so yourself in the image Spirit made for you and recognize each other’s innocence and wholeness. This image points us to the remembrance and awareness of who we all really are. And thus know that we are all One with each other, all creation, and God.

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