A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-27.II The Fear of Healing

June 21, 2011

We all fear healing. And we fear healing because we believe a mistaken idea that we must be different from each other in some way. In some way we believe we are better or worse than another, more right or wrong than another, more or less spiritual than another. We believe in sacrifice and suffering. One might believe that they must suffer so another may be elevated. Another might believe that another must suffer or pay penance for how they have treated them. All of these ideas which we place our belief in color our perception of each other and the world and hide reality from our awareness at the present moment.

Only when we are willing to begin to let the Holy Spirit correct our perception are we able to see with the Mind of Spirit and see each other and the world clearly. Forgiveness is our function here, not correction. We cannot correct by ourselves, for we will attempt to accomplish correction from a mind of ego. The ego mind seeks to reinforce our ideas of separation and individual identities independent from the whole identity of Self and Oneness. The function of forgiveness opens us to the idea that we are all One and that there is no way we could have caused any harm to any Creation of God. Created as an extension of God, we are as indestructible as God, and as loving as God.

Believe that we all are who we really are, that we all are extension(s) of God. Allowing this thought allows Spirit to correct our perception and let the light of Spirit shine brightly in our mind. We see a new Truth about each other and ourselves, as we see the light of God shining within each and every one we encounter. Every one we meet, and every one who comes across our path is a new opportunity to heal and to be healed. We need make no effort to heal. We need only to allow healing to enter our mind. There is nothing to fear. There is nothing to lose. But there is everything to gain. We are not healed alone. We are healed with each other, together. Let Spirit open our minds and hearts and see the reality of our Oneness. The love and peace of God extends to all, and there is joy!

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