A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-8.III The Holy Encounter

abstract background withe sea sunriseJune 24, 2014

Every time we meet someone, remember it is a holy encounter. From the briefest glance to the most involved relationship it is always a holy encounter. As we see that One, we see ourselves. As we treat that One, we treat ourselves. As we think of that One, we think of ourselves. Do we recognize the Child of God in each encounter? If we do, we also recognize the Child of God we ourselves are. If not, we deny both of us our true Identity as a Child of God. In each encounter we either find our true Identity or lose it. Even the slightest glance is an opportunity at salvation. Salvation is the shift to the recognition and the awareness of who we really are. Do not allow an encounter to pass without extending and receiving Love. It is the key to our happiness.

Yes, we are already and always have been whole. But are we living our wholeness? Do we allow ourselves to consciously radiate and extend Love. There is no greater demonstration of Love than extending it to each and every one we encounter. For that means we know Love within ourselves. A gentle smile will be on our face and in our eyes. Our step will be a bit lighter. Peace will radiate from us. This is God’s Will. And this is also our Will. We are the agents of the healing of our minds in this world. Our smile heals. Our gentle loving glance heals. Our gentle loving word of greeting heals. Our gentle loving thoughts of each other heal. We allow the loving radiance of Heaven to shower over each and every one we meet. We are each the light of the world and each encounter is the opportunity to recognize it in each other and in ourselves. This recognition is salvation. It recognizes the wholeness within all others and ourselves.

Begin by learning that we are light. There is great joy in this learning. We have denied this light that we are. We have taught ourselves that we could not be that limitless. We have learned to think of ourselves in the limited way of separation and it may seem impossible that we could be anything more. But Spirit is given us to make this seemingly impossible shift in our thinking. Spirit is a gentle teacher. Spirit gently takes us by the hand and guides our thoughts as we allow. The willingness to learn is our choice. Each step involves keeping our thoughts on Spirit and allowing It to guide us on our way. Spirit will guide us in each holy encounter. We will feel the comfort of Spirit as we take each step and trust Spirit’s guidance. Peace will rise up in our mind. A knowing that we are connected to and a part of the energy of love and compassion springs up within our mind as we allow Spirit to guide us. We need not convince anyone of anything. The idea of wholeness will quietly flow between our gentle loving glances and gentle kind greeting in each holy encounter. That One will move on with an uplifted mind even in that brief encounter. They will feel somehow that they have received Love in their mind whether or not they recognize it. Let every encounter today be a holy encounter. Let the light you are shine in everything you do. And each encounter will certainly be a holy encounter.

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