A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-7.VII The Totality of the Realm (Kingdom)

April 15, 2014abstract background withe sea sunrise

Every one of us, in reality, is completely blessed.  There are no exceptions, no conditions, and no degrees of blessedness.  The only thing that can keep us from the awareness of the blessings we are receiving and the blessedness of our being is the thought system we have aligned our mind with.  If we have aligned our mind with the egoic or lower thought system, we will not see and perceive the blessedness we inherently are.  But, if we have aligned our mind with the guidance of Spirit and our higher thought system, we will experience the fullness and blessedness of who we really are and all that comes with that awareness.  We are complete and whole whether or not we are aware of it.


The Course tells us in paragraph 7 of Chapter 7, Section VII (are there enough 7’s there?), that the only teacher sufficiently worthy to teach us is already within our mind and teaches the same lesson to all.  The lesson is the inestimable worth of every one of us, no exceptions.  This lesson is taught with infinite patience born of infinite Love, which is our Creation.  We do not recognize this teacher within, for we have aligned our minds with the egoic thought system – belief in separation – and have invested it its seeming authenticity.  When we see and believe ourselves separate, we believe we are limited.  We believe we are lacking and so “attack” to fill our lack.  The teacher within knows that we lack nothing, that we are abundant with all of creation shared with us.  Share your awareness of this abundance with another, for if we share their illusion of scarcity, we will perceive ourselves as lacking.


Do not accept anything less than the lesson the one teacher within teaches.  Learn to recognize its voice.  The teacher gently calls to us every moment of every day, reminding us of who we really are, gently reminding us of our wholeness and abundance.  Letting go of our attachment to the thoughts and ideas that block our minds from the awareness of our wholeness and divine nature raises our mind to a higher level, a higher vibration.  Thoughts of lack fall away.  Thoughts of inadequacy fade away.  Thoughts of inequality disappear.  Imagine a world where we all see the full wholeness and divine presence of each one we encounter.  That is the Realm of Heaven.  That is our home.  There is no need to wait until our body dies to be in the Realm.  The Realm of Heaven is in our higher mind.  Let the teacher teach you the one lesson of each one’s full worth and find that you have been lifted to that Realm.  Relax in the knowledge that we are all whole and Divine, and that the One teacher within holds infinite patience and Love in our learning.  Happiness is already ours in the Realm of Heaven which we have never left.  Allow yourself to be lifted home and let the blessings flow.

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