A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-9.VI The Acceptance of Your Brother/Sister

abstract background withe sea sunriseOctober 21, 2014

We all have Spirit within us. We are created complete and divine, but we don’t always recognize or accept that reality. Recognizing Spirit within us is our path back to the awareness of who we really are. Spirit gives rise to joy within us. This is always true. However, we aren’t always aware of joy within ourselves or others. We are not consistent in our reliance on Spirit to guide our perception. Joy is always available to us. It is our choice of what we offer to each other that limits or increases our receiving joy. Joy is not limited. We limit our receiving by what we think about ourselves and each other.

Are we willing to accept the truth about each other? Are we willing to allow Spirit to reveal the truth about another to us? Accepting our brothers and sisters as the Divine creations they really are is a reflection of the Divine creation we really are. As we have made a choice not to see ourselves whole and complete, Spirit reveals our wholeness and completeness in the Ones we encounter along our path. Everyone we encounter reflects who we think we are in some sense. If we are willing to allow Spirit to guide our perception and accept the truth about each other we will see the joy of Spirit reflected back to us. We are all One. Another’s joy and wholeness is our joy and wholeness. As we recognize wholeness and joy in each One, we add to our awareness of our own wholeness and joy, for wholeness and joy are shared. Wholeness and joy cannot be divided or separated, and thus must be recognized and extended in sharing. We remember our Oneness in the unity of sharing.

We are not yet awake, but are in the process of awakening. Spirit is our guide in this awakening. And Spirit speaks to us through each One we encounter. Spirit speaks in every voice we hear and acts in every action another takes. Voices and actions perceived with our egooic thought system will appear insane, but if we are willing to accept Spirit’s guidance, we will begin to hear Spirit’s message for us beyond the appearance of those words and actions. The perception that sounds insane cannot hurt us for that perception is nothing more than a mistaken thought. The Course has taught us that nothing unreal exists, nor can anything unreal threaten us. Spirit’s guidance translates all perception for us as we allow.

The healing of our mind begins with the acceptance of the truth about who our brothers and sisters really are. That acceptance reveals the truth about who we really are to us through Spirit’s joy and love radiating from our brothers and sisters. As we join in Oneness with each other, we recognize we are all One and that we are all the One Divine Child of God in that Unity. This is who we really are. This is where we recognize our wholeness, our completeness, our limitlessness, and our Divine nature. Accept each One today and join in the joy of who we really are. This is our journey.

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