A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-10.I At Home In God

abstract background withe sea sunriseDecember 2, 2014

We all have some idea of what home means to us.   For me, home is a place of rest, of peaceful rest where I can relax and let the cares of the world drop away. I think this is so for many of us. If we don’t have a home that reflects this character, we desire that idea of “home”. It is a place where we are free to be ourselves without judgment, criticism or fear. It is a place where love permeates everything and we are content. We would like to be at home in this peaceful place all the time and never leave. Yet our lives are not that way. Even if we have that feeling of “home” somewhere in this world, we don’t feel that feeling everywhere we go. So much of the world seems to be at odds with our desire for peacefulness and often obliterates it completely.

We do have a home where restfulness and peacefulness are constant. It is our true home. It is our home in Oneness, God. It is the place of our Creation. It is our birthright. It is a place we are always wholly welcome. The beautiful thing about this home is that we are always there and we have never left it. This home goes with us wherever we are and whatever we do. It is always peaceful. It is always full of love. It has everything we need and the abundance of all of creation contained within it. We might well ask, “Then why don’t I feel this home?” The Course tells us we have simply believed we are not worthy of it and thus blocked it from our awareness. It’s like we are asleep and are dreaming a nightmarish home that is anything but peaceful.

The Course tells us this world we see around us is like a dream. We are spiritually asleep and are dreaming a life based in our belief in separation. Everything we perceive and experience appears real to us because we believe it is all true and real. Our belief is so powerful it has blocked the awareness of who we really are and the real world from our minds. From our experience in this world we understand the concept of dreams and know that a dream is not real when we awaken from it. Most dreams we dream while asleep are irreconcilable with the waking life we know and therefore can’t be real. The Course asks us to consider the idea that we might actually be in a dream state that is not real, that this life we perceive is actually a dream based on our perception rooted in the belief we are separate from the One and each other. This dream state based on the belief we are separate is irreconcilable with our true nature, our true state of being. We are created by the Creator, One with the Creator and all Creation. Yet we certainly don’t feel one with everything. We probably don’t feel one with anything at all!

Would we be willing to let go of this perceived existence if we knew there is an existence at home with the One that was restful, loving and peaceful? If we allow Spirit to enter our mind and speak to us, we will begin remembering our true home. We will begin remembering our true Identity, the Self that knows our natural state of being. Spirit holds our wholeness and divinity for us, gently reminding us who we really are. As we journey in this world, we will begin to return to the awareness of who we really are and know we are One with the One and each other. The Course asks us only to be a little willing to open our minds. Spirit will guide us back to the awareness of who we really are when we allow It to do so. Dreams will be impossible now because we will want only truth. Peace, love and joy will be ours, for we will know that is what we really are.

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