A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-10.III The God of Sickness

abstract background withe sea sunriseDecember 16, 2014

The Course defines sickness in the Glossary of Terms as: “a conflict in the mind (guilt) displaced onto the body; the ego’s attempt to defend itself against truth (spirit) by focusing attention on the body; a sick body is the effect of the sick or split mind that is its cause, representing the ego’s desire to make others guilty by sacrificing oneself, projecting responsibility for the attack onto them.” The Course also explains that sickness is of the mind, and that everything we encounter in the world can be used for holy or higher purpose; for good. Sickness is an illusion – an element of the temporal world – and is not real in the Realm of Heaven. Sickness is simply the belief that we are anything other than who and what we really are – whole, complete, limitless and divine.

Our egoic thought system, the split mind, tries so hard to promote the idea that we are separate. It wants us to believe we are not whole, not complete, limited ad not divine. Believing this about ourselves blocks our awareness of the truth about us. It keeps us distracted from what is within us, directing us to seek outside of ourselves what is already within us. This surely is sickness. It is a sickness of our beliefs. The troubles of a limited world will certainly keep us distracted and unaware. What we have done is replace our divine Identity with an egoic identity that cannot be real because it is made from a belief we are separate. In essence we have replace the One, God, with this egoic identity. It is an attack on who we really ae, even though it cannot harm us.

Be thankful, then, for the One has a plan for our healing, for our salvation, for the return to the awareness of who we really are. We are the One Child of the One and as we heal the misperception in our mind by seeing another as whole and complete, limitless and divine, we accept the Atonement for all and return the world to right-mindedness. We see for all as we allow Spirit to guide our seeing. And so we allow the Realm of Heaven to rise in our collective consciousness. There is no idolatry in the realm of wholeness. All that is real is valued equally and fully. There is nothing of lesser or greater value in divine order. All is equally precious. Let us begin to see that value as we allow our minds to heal.

The sickness of our minds is that we do not value ourselves. Correcting our perception of our value and the value of another corrects the perception of value for all because we are all One Child, One. Peace is and always has been ours. Yet we blocked it from our awareness as we believed we were separate. Spirit holds that peace for us and offers the awareness of its presence within us. Allow peace to rise in your mind, reminding you that we are all One and One with our Creator and Source. So is our value unsurpassed by any thought our egoic thought system could possibly think. Let healing rise in your mind that thinks you are not whole, complete limitless or divine. Awareness of the divine within will surely rise in you and thus within all for we truly are One. And so it is.

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