A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-11.I The Gifts of Fatherhood/Motherhood

abstract background withe sea sunriseFebruary 10, 2015

How often do we feel alone? Even in a crowd we often can feel alone. Aloneness takes on a myriad of forms and conditions. In each case, a barrier has been erected between us and whatever else is around us, and we feel alone as a result. Most of the time the barrier is not visible, though we perceive it very strongly. We probably think that the barrier is erected by those around us whom we feel separated from. Most likely, we have made the barrier, perceived it from our own denial of our Oneness and projected it on those around us, thus making us feel alone. Have we not done the same with the One, or God? If the One is everywhere, how could we be separate from our Source and feel alone? Yet we do feel alone and perhaps feel that our Creator has forsaken us. Perhaps we are the ones who have perceived the separation and projected it on our Creator.

The Course tells us that Creation is extension and thus all of creation is shared. The One Mind is limitless, and cannot be lessened. It can only be increased. Since we are created in the One Mind, it is impossible for us to be removed from It. Even though we may be able to think we can remove ourselves from the One Mind, it is impossible for us to actually do so. Thus our feeling of aloneness is a perceived idea based on a misperception that we can separate from what we are, or leave ourselves behind. Does that make any sense at all? Even though we can perceive ourselves as alone and experience a feeling of aloneness, we cannot actually be alone. We always rest in the arms of Love, no matter what we perceive at any moment.

The universe of love does not stop because you do not see it, nor have your closed eyes lost the ability to see. Look upon the glory of the One’s creation, and you will learn what the One has kept for you. T-11.I.5.10-11

What is our will and the Will of God? We so often see these as two completely separate things. Yet we are really one with our Source, no matter what we perceive ourselves as. So how could we have a different will from the One? Perhaps in our mistaken idea of separation we have also misperceived the will of the One. How do we begin to change the feeling of aloneness we feel so strongly? We certainly don’t want to feel this way always. And aloneness most certainly cannot be the will of Love. The Course gives us this promise:

You are asked to trust the Holy Spirit only because Spirit speaks for you. Spirit is the Voice for the One, but never forget that the One did not will to be alone. The One shares Its Will with you; the One does not thrust it upon you. Always remember that what the One gives the One keeps, so that nothing the One gives can contradict the One. You who share the One’s life must share it to know it, for sharing is knowing. Blessed are you who learn that to hear the Will of your Creator is to know your own. 7 For it is your will to be like the One, Whose Will it is that it be so. The One’s Will is that we be One, and united with Source in Our Oneness. That is why healing is the beginning of the recognition that your will is the One’s. T-11.I.11.1-9

No longer do we need feel we are alone. All that is real and true is One. All that is real and true is limitless. All that is real and true is Love. We are Love and Love is our shared Will. Nothing else exists.

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