A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-26.VII The Laws of Healing

March 15, 2011

Do we understand the laws of healing? We have embarked on a journey. We have chosen A Course in Miracles. In order for us to understand the purpose of the Course, wit is essential we understand the laws of healing. A number of things must occur on our journey for us to believe healing is possible. And once healing is possible in our mind, it will and must occur. Nothing else is possible.

At the base of all we must believe is that all sickness comes from separation. When we truly believe that separation can be denied, it goes. For separation is at the root of our belief in illusion, unreality, the “upside down” world. We have spent a lifetime choosing our thoughts, rationalizing our thoughts, and making up new thoughts about the world we think we see around us. But we must come to a realization that our thoughts and beliefs make up the world we think we see.

We keep all this thought and belief carefully hidden from light because the light shows our mistake. And we are so unwilling to admit that we have spent a lifetime investing our ideas in this mistaken illusion. So we remain attached, sometimes at great cost to our sanity, to our separation resulting from the thoughts and beliefs we so strongly cling to. We then feel guilty and grant our request for punishment even if we don’t understand why. We think it has come from outside of us and fail to see it is all an illusion seeming very real because of our belief it.

Perception is not Truth, it is always illusion. But God has an eternal answer that works in the world of illusion and bridges the chasm between separation and Oneness, illusion and reality. God’s presence never leaves us no matter how strong our belief in illusion and sickness. We never leave our Source and the reality of our true Being. The illusions we so strongly believe in are merely ideas given power by our belief in them, yet because they are not real, they do not have any real power. They’re seeming power is also an idea that is no more than an idea, but seems very real to us.

It is time for us to look inward to the idea that we are as God created us. Can we let the possibility that that idea is true sit in our mind? Can we set all else aside for just a moment to consider this idea and let Truth speak to us? Spirit is there within us waiting to welcome our remembrance, to show us the memory of our true Self and flood our lives with the peace, love and joy of the Heaven within us. Are you ready? Just say yes and let go.

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