A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-26.VII The Laws of Healing

April 12, 2011

God’s gift to us is limitless. All is possible in that gift. There is no circumstance that cannot be addressed, no problem that cannot be solved, and no wrong that cannot be made right. The gracious light of God shines in its radiant love on all of creation, melting away each shadow we think we see and that we think holds us back.

The power of God is ours for the natural use of all of us. God’s power is mighty above all else, yet gentle kind, and loving in its gracious love of all. Recognizing that light within us is the recognition of our true Self. It is the remembering of the Self God created and the recognition of the Divine Presence within us we have always been and ever will be. Nothing can put out this light within us, for it is God’s Will that we be that light.

We are the only ones who doubt that light. We are the only ones who doubt the Divine Presence in each other. God has shown us the light of who we really are, reminding us of our Creation and God has Willed us to recognize that same Divinity within each other, bringing salvation to our brothers and sisters as we recognize it in ourselves. What a gift we give each other in this world, to release each other from the chains of separation and specialness. We allow each other to be freed into the awareness of our limitlessness. We place ourselves in the awareness of the abundance of our Oneness, knowing we are united in our reality.

May we let go of the temptation to wall ourselves off from the Oneness of God. May we let go of our attack thoughts, our thoughts of lack, and our thoughts of limitedness. Look to each other and see in each one the light of the Divine Presence pouring through each one’s eyes, reflecting back to us the Light of God that shines brightly within us. God Wills us be who we really are. So how could we possibly be anything other than that? Just for a moment, stop and be still. The ancient call of the One is there in our ears, in our mind. Welcome that call and recognize the Love of God that radiates through all of Creation around and within us. Be aware. This is our home, this is our salvation, this is the moment we are aware of who we really are and recognize we are One with God and each other.

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