A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-11.VII The Condition of Reality

abstract background withe sea sunriseApril 28, 2015

The Course teaches us Reality is eternal. What do we see in our world as we see it? Is it perishable or is it eternal? Is it permanent or is it temporary? I don’t think anything we see with the body’s eyes could ever be called eternal or permanent. No aspect of nature could be called permanent or eternal. Even the tallest most solid mountain is subject to erosion. Wind, water and plant life constantly wear away and break apart the most solid rock we ca imagine. The earth and the universe are incredibly beautiful creations, but even science would agree that they are not eternal. So there must be another world that the Course is referring to when it speaks of the Real world, Reality.

We don’t see this eternal world, so there must be another world, another Reality we don’t see. If what we are seeing or perceiving is not real, perhaps we can perceive anew or more simply perceive again. What, then, is the world that awaits our perception when we see it? From the Course:

Every loving thought that We ever had is eternal. The loving thoughts our mind perceives in this world are the world’s only reality. They are still perceptions, because we still believe that we are separate. Yet they are eternal because they are loving. And being loving they are like the Creator, and therefore cannot die. The real world can actually be perceived. All that is necessary is a willingness to perceive nothing else. For if we perceive both good and evil, we are accepting both the false and the true and making no distinction between them. ACIM T-11.VII.2.1-7

Reality is simply Love. It is mothing more and nothing less. Love is all there is. Reality is simply loving thoughts. And further, Reality is loving thoughts that are shared. Loving thoughts can certainly be seen as eternal. This is definitely not the world we have come to see as “real.” The world we see has some good in it and some love in it, but never only good and love.

We have chosen to believe we are separate and that we want to create separately from our Source, our Creator rather than co-create with our Source. Thus we made our egoic thought system to support the mistaken idea of personal autonomy. We could never accept any perception of the world that contained no good or love, so our wrong-mindedness adds misperceptions to our world to support our belief in separation. It colors our perception of everything we see and thus distorts our perception of ourselves and the world we see. Since we now believe that both truth and illusion are true, we cannot tell them apart and thus confuse illusion and reality. It is possible, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to perceive only the real world which will lead us to the real Heaven, because it will make us capable of understanding it.

The Course gives us this instruction:

The perception of goodness is not knowledge, but the denial of the opposite of goodness enables us to recognize a condition in which opposites do not exist. And this is the condition of knowledge. Without this awareness we have not met its conditions, and until we do we will not know it is ours already. We have made many ideas that we have placed between ourselves and our Source, and these beliefs are the world as we perceive it. Truth is not absent here, but it is obscure. We do not know the difference between what we have made and what Source created, and so we do not know the difference between what we have made and what we have created. To believe that we can perceive the real world is to believe that we can know ourselves. We can know Source because Source Wills to be known. The real world is all that the Holy Spirit has saved for us out of what we have made, and to perceive only this is salvation, because it is the recognition that reality is only what is true. ACIM T-11.VII.4.1-9

All is possible when we turn our minds to Spirit within us. Love, our true nature, has never left us. We have simply confused it with the layers of illusion we have also believed. The conditions of Reality are within us and Spirit will guide us in setting aside all the mistaken conditions we have added to our minds. Trust the guidance of Spirit and allow the fullness of Reality to well up in your being. You are complete and whole. Be the limitless love that is your Reality.

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