A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-1.I Principles of Miracles

September 6, 2005

Miracles are happening all the time. We may or may not be aware of them. It is important to realize that we don’t need to know about every miracle that takes place. Miracles are a shift in thinking, a shift to more correct perception. Any one miracle may be manifested in the world of form in as many ways as there are people on the earth. A miracle may not need to be manifested in our own life of form at all. Miracles are learning devices that help all of us to shift our perception. The result of miracles is to help us be aware of who we really are and be at peace, full of love, happiness and joy. This is God’s will for us, and since we are really one with God and each other, it is our own true will, too. Can anyone deny they want to be at peace, be happy and joyful and experience love in their life? Being in the Will of God and ourselves is not dependent on anything in the world of form. It comes from within us, that place that knows that we are whole, perfect and one with God. That has never left us, no matter how much we believe otherwise. When we begin to let go of our attachment to the world of form, we begin toexperience the miracles that help us to shift our perception and know who we really are. Even in the wake of the catastrophic effects of hurricane Katrina, we are beginning to hear about the miracles that are happening in peoples’ lives. We see the stories of great strength that comes when a shift in perception occurs in someones life. We are the manifestation of God in this world of form when we let go and just be who we really are and act from that place.

ACIM T-1.I Principles of Miracles

August 30, 2005

The next group of miracle principles we will be discussing are about wholeness, strength, release and abundance. All of these are characteristic of miracles. They are also characteristic of who we really are. Miracles are the vehicles that help shift our awareness of who we are to that which we really are. We often feel we are just the opposite: broken, powerless, victimized and lacking. The miracles that touch our lives are the shifts in our thinking that allow us to leave our negative or separated thoughts and ideas behind and move into the knowledge of who we really are. Miracles go on and on. They never stop with us. They go on to touch many we don’t even know and in ways we never dreamed of. Our limited thinking is what keeps us separate and unaware. All we need do is change our mind to experience the fullness of who we are as the One Child of God. Peace, Love and Joy are ours right now in this moment, waiting for us to be aware of it.

ACIM T-1.I Principles of Miracles

August 23, 2005

We have been having discussions about what miracles really are. Miracles are happening in and around us all the time. We may not even be aware that they are happening. Principle #35 says that miracles are extensions of love and they may not have observable effects. A miracle is when our thinking shifts to right thinking, thinking that is aligned with Truth as God created it. We are constantly barraged with many “truths” in any number of forms in this world of form. Most of the time they seem to contradict each other. God’s truth is the common thread that runs through all of the “truths” we come across. Real truth cannot be put into words because words are form. Real truth comes to us through the experience of the present moment. We know that we have experienced the miracle when we find ourselves at peace, when we experience a feeling of deep joy or happiness that goes beyond the life situation we are in. There is no fear, no hate, no anger, no judgment, no jealousy, no lack, when we are in a miracle. The world may be in chaos around us, but we feel and see peace in the midst of the chaos when we allow ourselves to be aware of miracles. They always remind us and help us be aware that we all are the One Child of God, One with God.

ACIM T-1.I Principles of Miracles

August 16, 2005

We have been having discussions about what miracles really are. The principles we have been reading help so much to put it all into perspective. The miracle always has spirit at the center, and it is shown to us in the perfect way that will help us perceive or see more correctly. It is a direct communication between Spirit and our Self. Their purpose is to remind us who we really are, the One Child of God. We might need to see ourselves as Children of God for awhile, but every miracle points us to the root of who we really are. Our appropriate reaction to miracles is gratitude, not awe. Gratitude is an embracing attitude that brings us together as One. The miracle honors our holiness which we can never lose. We may try very hard to hide our holiness, but we can never lose it. And God always sees our holiness and nothing else, no matter what state of mind we are in. Every miracle helps us to find the state of mind that is peace, love and joy.

ACIM T-1.I Principles of Miracles

August 2, 2005

It is refreshing to remind ourselves what miracles really are. We seem to focus on how the miracle is manifested in the world of form. Yet there is a deeper reality of miracles. A miracle happens on a spiritual level that transcends the world of form. It may manifest in form, but not necessae6rily in the narrow way we may expect it to manifest. We also have come to expect a miracle to be big or “miraculous”. Miracles can be “small”, too. Often a kind word or a smile creates a miracle. We may never even know that a miracle has happened to someone else. The Course says there is no order of difficulty to miracles. No miracle is greater or lesser that another. The miracle itself is a change in our awareness, a shift of our thoughts toward awareness of who we really are, the One Child of God. That change in thought can set up the conditions that then manifest in a change in the world of form. It may be instantaneous or take some time. Miracles are happening around us every day in our lives. When we open our awareness we will begin to recognize them. Let’s learn how.