A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-23.II The Laws of Chaos

March 16, 2009

We have talked about the first two laws of chaos; the belief that each of us has our own truth and they are different; and the belief that each of us must sin, and therefore is deserving of attack and death.  This week we look at the third law of chaos, the preposterous belief that seems to make chaos eternal; the belief that if God cannot be mistaken, God must accept Our belief in what we are, and hate ourselves for it.  And so we have instilled ourselves with the mistaken idea that we must fear God.

We have projected our mistaken beliefs about ourselves on God and so it has become impossible for us to be as God sees us.  How preposterous is the idea that our little idea of ourselves be different from God’s knowledge of who we really are!  We refuse to see any idea other than our own little separated ideas as true and so wallow in our misery always seeing ourselves at odds with God and, as a result, ourselves and each other.  There is no release and no escape from our self imposed purgatory because we think God is so displeased with us.

Nothing could be further from the truth.  The illusory thoughts of the ego, the separated mind, keep us distracted form the knowledge of who we really are that is deep within our own being.  God has given us the Holy Spirit, many times in the form of each other, to remind us of our true Self.  In letting go of our attachment to our mistaken ideas, we allow our true nature to be revealed to us.  We see the Light of God within us shine from within.  We feel the presence of our brothers and sisters joining with us as the One Child of God.

And so we begin to see our innocence.  We begin to see our Divine Nature come forward and guide us with certainty and confidence.  We see the pillar of God before us, guiding our every thought and step.  What a joy it is to feel the Love of God wash over us.  What a comfort it is to feel the peace of God well up within us and surround us.  We recognize who we really are and so recognize who each of us really is and always has been.  Let go.  Let everything go.  And be who you really are, One with God.

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