A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-23.II The Laws of Chaos

March 23, 2010

We have talked about the first three laws of chaos:  1. The belief that each of us has our own truth and they are different.  2. The belief that each of us must sin, and therefore is deserving of attack and death.  3. The belief that if God cannot be mistaken, God must accept Our belief in what we are, and hate ourselves for it.  This week we look at the fourth law of chaos which, if the others are accepted, must be true; the belief you have what you have taken.  By this, we believe another’s loss becomes our gain, and thus it fails to recognize that we can never take away save from ourselves.  We believe that we and God are limited.

This fourth belief, built on the previous three beliefs, is the belief that colors all our thinking.  It is a way of thinking we have grown attached to, have made habitual by forcing all our thoughts about our experiences into its form, and has caused us to see ourselves as lacking, limited, and little.  It keeps us distracted from our awareness of who we really are, bubbling under the surface of our consciousness, waiting for us to let it spring up within us.  So what we believe we lack, someone else must have.  And because we believe there is a limited amount of what we lack and want, we must take it from someone or somewhere else.  And if we believe someone else is keeping it from us, it must be worth having, so we must find a way to take all or part of it away from them.  Oh how this belief perpetuates and reinforces itself, strengthening our attachment to it.

For thousands of years, humankind has built and refined these seeming laws; our way of thinking.  We take them for granted and believe them wholeheartedly, yet blindly.  God’s abundance has always been ours, freely given to all unconditionally by God.  The only lack we could possibly encounter is a mistaken idea made up in the mind that forgot about God’s abundance.  What could we want that we think is so lacking?  Have we taken a good look at what we are looking for?  Will we ever find what we are looking for anywhere outside ourselves?

We miss God’s abundance when we look outside ourselves.  We look at others and say “I want what they have, how can I get it from them?”  Yet, all the while, we have all we are looking for within us.  A well of plenty supplied by God is there deep within us.  It is flowing with all the peace, love, and joy we could ever want with enough left over to supply all of Creation, too.  It is true.  God created us with that wellspring.  And God never will cap it or dry it up.  We are the Presence of God in this world.  We are the hands of God in this world.  God has provided all we need and could ever want.  And we let the Light of God shine by letting go of all our thoughts that keep it hidden.  Let the shower of blessing flow.  It will wash all over you and you will feel its abundance.

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