A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-5.IV Teaching and Healing

abstract background withe sea sunriseSeptember 3, 2013

The essence of our true being has never left us.  Our Divine essence is still within us.  Who we really are can never be destroyed or changed.  We are extensions of our Source and can never be separated from that Source.  Our holiness is placed within us at our creation by our Source and can never be taken away.  Only the mistaken thought of fear and separation can remove the awareness of our true nature from our day to day consciousness.  So our egoic thought system we made up to convince ourselves we are separate from our Source has limited our awareness to a narrow slice of perception governed by the lower or split mind.  Though the fear and separation we think we feel are not real, Source provides us with a way out of fear and separation.


Spirit has been placed within us to help us reinterpret everything we perceive as fearful and separate.  Spirit also teaches us that only what is loving is true and real.  Our true reality is Heaven and Spirit is within us to teach us how we need to perceive to be in the awareness of Heaven on earth.  This is our true home.  We haven’t ever left it, but we have blocked our awareness of our true home we already live in.  It’s like having the shades drawn across a window and thinking there is no light, when all we need do is draw the shades back and let the light flood in through the window.  We have made up a picture of the world around us, framed it to make it appear important and maybe prettier, and blocked the beautiful Heaven on earth within us by focusing on the picture.  Spirit teaches us to look beyond the picture and see the peace, love, and joy beyond the perceived picture of the world.  This is the real world we are meant to be aware of.


Spirit guides us to the awareness of Heaven on earth if we will simply allow It.  We begin by being willing, even just a little bit, to perceive differently. Sprit will guide us in changing our perception.  Every encounter, every relationship, every experience is an opportunity to learn a new way of perceiving from Spirit.  Each change in perception we learn is a step in moving towards our higher mind and a higher thought system.  As we take each step in our learning we share that new perception with each other.  The sharing need not be specific or active, for another can’t help but see the transformation in us.  We may not even see the transformation I ourselves right away but it will be apparent.  Step by step we move, guided by Spirit, to a new awareness, a new understanding of our essence and the knowing of who we really are and the Divine nature of our being.


What a comfort this is.  It’s no wonder Spirit is referred to as the Comforter.   Monday’s Spiritual Espresso Prayer from Jennifer Hadley was all about gratitude and appreciation.  Being grateful for every experience and appreciating every One who we encounter on our journey places our mind in an attitude that is willing to receive guidance from Spirit.  This is the healing of the mind we are truly seeking and that we truly want.  Monday’s lesson in the Workbook for Students, #245, “Your peace is with me, Source.  I am safe.” is what we are really looking for.  And today’s lesson, “To love Source is to love myself.” emphasizes that we are all joined in Spirit.  We are all the great Oneness that is.  Let us each move toward that Oneness and feel Heaven unfold all around us.  It’s already here.  Just allow it to come into focus around us.  And so it is.

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