A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-5.V The Ego’s Use of Guilt

abstract background withe sea sunriseSeptember 10, 2013

The question we must ask ourselves – and answer – is, “What do I want?” What do I really want?  Do I want this life of separation I have made?  Or do I want the reality of my true nature?  It’s a simple choice between sanity and insanity.  Except, we don’t know how to tell the difference if we continue to believe our separated thought system we made.  The ego is the thought system we made up.  We may ask why we ever made it up.  The egoic thought system goes against everything we really are.  We don’t realize it does this.  We have given this false thought system control over our mind, or at least this mind we are aware of.  Our true mind and the Divine thought system we share cannot be altered.  It is ours, fully ours and is all powerful as its power is Source’s power.  But we have used our creative power to block our awareness of the true Mind we are.  All we need do is accept the Atonement for ourselves to release the guilt the egoic thought system uses to control our mind.


We are the One Holy Child of Source, Spirit.  We are completely One with that Source.  We are the love, light, joy, and peace that make up Source and eternally extend from Source.  Heaven is the state of mind that is our home.  It is a state of mind where Spirit guides our perception of the world we see and shows us the Truth about all we experience.  Sprit transforms the experiences and encounters of our everyday life and shows us a transforming reality that transcends the perception we see with our separated minds, the egoic thought system.  This transformation is the miracle of the Atonement, the joining of our minds to the One Mind we all share completely.  No made up thought system can compete with this One Mind.  It is so powerful, yet gentle that all misperception fades in the light of its knowing.  This is our home.  This is our natural state of being.  The awareness of this grace flows through us and brings us back to the ancient song of Oneness we know so well.


The egoic thought system uses whatever it can to keep or awareness of our glory blocked from our awareness.  Guilt and fear are the egoic mind’s tools.  We fear the loss of our separateness.  We fear the judgment of a wrathful god.  We feel guilt for turning our back on the truth about ourselves.  But we have allowed the egoic mind to cleverly disguise this fear ad guilt and project it on others as blame.  It is cleverly disguised, but no disguise can fool the eyes of Spirit.  Let yourself be willing to allow Spirit to guide you.  Be willing to accept the Atonement for yourself.  The miracle of a higher thought system will unfold in your mind.  What we have come to think of as sane will now be obviously insane, and we will recognize the sanity that returns to our awareness as we allow it.  Take a step away.  Take a deep breath.  And see the Divine nature that is you as you recognize the Divine in all around you.  This is Happiness.  This is Joy!  This is You!  This is what you really want!  Let yourself be so.

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