A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-7.X The Confusion of Pain and Joy

abstract background withe sea sunriseMay 20, 2014

The Holy Spirit is our guide. Spirit guides us in resolving our confusion between joy and pain. The question is, do we trust Spirit enough to follow Its guidance? Or, are we projecting distrust of ourselves on Spirit? Trustworthiness comes from what we really believe about who we are. Our perfect wholeness is the Will of our Creator. We are created whole and One with all Creation. There is truth in the statement, “What I believe I will see.” Begin with belief. If we believe in opposing ideas, we will experience confusion. Opposing ideas cannot both be true at once. As we alternate our allegiance between two opposing ideas we have chosen to believe, confusion is inevitable. Spirit is our guide in resolving any confusion we might have.

Spirit is perfectly trustworthy, as we are. God trusts us, for we are an extension of God, and therefore our trustworthiness is beyond question. Our trustworthiness will always remain beyond question no matter how much we may question it. Our Oneness, our Divinity, our Holiness and perfection is beyond question. No idea, thought, or belief can alter this truth in any way. The whole separation error lies in the appearance of an unbelievable belief. Trust Spirit to guide your way. Trust Spirit to show you your own wisdom and strength. It may be the road less travelled, but it will be the level road. And, it will be a road filled with joy.

Peace and Joy are ours for the realizing. Peace and Joy are within us. They are our natural state of being. Miracles are in accord with joy and who we really are. Miracles are the shift in our belief in who we are. Our Creator’s Will for us is to know and be the fullness of who we really are and that is also our Will which we share with Source. All we encounter in this world is designed to correct our belief about who we really are. We may choose to look at it and perceive it differently. Instead, choose to allow Spirit to guide you in the correction of perception and teach you the lesson that you really are whole, perfect, and Divine. Miracles are lessons in what joy is. Share that miracle. Being a lesson in sharing joy is a lesson in love which is joy! All miracles are thus lessons in truth, and by sharing truth we learn the difference between pain and joy. The time is now. Allow Spirit to guide you in the awareness of the peace and joy that already you.

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