A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-7.XI The State of Grace

abstract background withe sea sunriseMay 27, 2014

Grace is the natural state of every One of us. If we are not in a state of grace, we do not function well because we are out of our natural environment – our natural state of mind. When we are in a state of grace, we move through the world with ease. We move with confidence and certainty, knowing that we are guided from that holy place of Oneness that we are. Our lives flow with ease and grace. Challenges come and go with ease for we know our higher Spirit guides us in all we do. I think of the grace of a dancer who expressively moves to the purposeful melodies of the music that guides their dance. Our higher One Spirit guides us similarly in the graceful expression of our Divinity and Love in this world.

Being in our natural state of grace takes no real effort. It is natural and flows naturally from our higher One mind. But if we think outside our natural state of grace, everything we do becomes a strain, for we are not created for this environment we have made up. We cannot adapt to this out-of-grace environment nor can we adapt it to us. It doesn’t matter how hard we try, there is no point in trying. We are happy only when we are with our Source in a state of grace, for that is where we belong. And grace is the only state of mind worthy of us, for it is the state for which we are created.

Heaven is the state of grace. Heaven is our home. There is no need to shed the body or complete some mission in this world to be who we really are. Fulfilling our mission in this world of form will have a sense of grace and ease as we move and act from a state of grace and the awareness of who we really are. Paragraph 3 asks us some simple questions about the world we see so we can judge its worth fairly. Is the world we see worthy of the Child of God? Does the world we see protect our peace and shine love on us? Does the world we see keep our heart untouched by fear and allow us to give always without any sense of loss? Does the world we see teach us this giving and sharing is our joy and that Source thanks us for our giving and sharing? The state of grace is the only real world and it is the only world in which we can be truly happy. Why would we ever deny ourselves a world where we share the Love of God with everything and everyone we see, touch and remember? Why would we ever deny ourselves Heaven, our home?

Are we ready to awaken to the state of grace that is our natural environment and our natural state of mind? Are we willing to see the Divine in everything we see and encounter? Grace, Divine, and truth are who and what we really are. We are the whole, complete and perfect Creation of our Creator. Be willing to allow Spirit to guide you to this awareness of who we really are. Be guided by Spirit into a world where happiness and love are the norm. We need not move somewhere else, to another planet or another city. This shift happens in our mind as we awaken to our One state of grace and the environment that is our home. It doesn’t matter where our mind is at or how impossible the shift appears to be. Spirit has the perfect path for us. Take a step toward grace and ease. We find ourselves miraculously home – Heaven on earth.

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