A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-6.III The Relinquishment of Attack

Noveabstract background withe sea sunrisember 19, 2013

“Teach only love, for that is what you are.”  The Course gives us this instruction which is a golden nugget of wisdom.  What would the world look like if we lived by this instruction?  We have lots of excuses, of course.  But the truth is if we apply this to ourselves, we would be at home.  We would be dwelling in the Realm of Heaven, at peace, and experiencing the joy of Spirit.  Teaching love is extending love.  Love cannot be projected because it is always shared.  Love cannot be divided or separated.  Love is total and unconditional or it is not real love.  Love is complete.


To truly extend love we must give up our attachment to any kind of attack.  This includes any kind of defense, too.  We have been taught that we are whole and that we have never not been whole.  Any idea that is divisive is not based in Truth.  Even the simple idea that we need to be seen as right is a form of attack.  The ideas we hold about ourselves have power, the power to perceive the world we see.   If we hold the idea that we can attack, we give power to that idea and thus teach others they can attack and attack is OK.  However, we have given power to an idea that is impossible in the real world.  Truth cannot be attacked and so the idea of attack has no real power.  We just think we can attack and so separate ourselves from the awareness of who we really are, thus making attack appear real.  So we must teach only one lesson, the lesson of love.


Love is the lesson Spirit teaches us when we ask for guidance.  Love is the lesson Spirit teaches us, no matter in what form the lesson comes.    To extend love is to see the reality of wholeness in another.  Love extends from the Mind of God which is our true mind.  Spirit connects our little or lower mind with the Mind of God when our belief in our separateness blocks our awareness of who we really are.  No matter what the world places in our daily living, there is an opportunity to extend love and thus heal in that situation.  Spirit guides us to the words and actions we need to use to be truly helpful.  Extending love will always be truly helpful.  And Spirit will always guide us to extend love.


All that is real is Love.  God creates only Love.  We are created in Love and are extensions of Love.  Our true essence is Love.  Our true state of being is Love.  The only thing we can really extend is what we really are and that is Love.  Teaching only Love is our purpose in this world.  We can only teach what we believe about ourselves.  What and who do we believe we are?  That belief determines what we teach others.  Spirit asks us only to believe the truth about who we are, that we are whole, One with God and One with each other and all Creation.  All thoughts of separation and attack are mistaken.  Reconnect with the reality of the Love we truly are.  Spirit is waiting to guide us in that awareness.  Listen to the call of Love within you.  Peace and joy are waiting within you for you to take notice.  And teach only what you really are – Love!

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