A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-6.IV The Only Answer

abstract background withe sea sunriseNovember 26, 2013

There really is only one answer to whatever we are dealing with in our lives.  It can manifest in many forms and present in many ways, but at the root of all there is only one answer.  The reason there is only one answer is that there is only one question that really matters.  Even the one question is unnecessary except that we have caused a need to ask it.  The question we must ask and answer is, “Who are we?”  Our mistaken answer to this question is the reason we need to answer it correctly for ourselves.  If we had never thought ourselves separate from Source and who we really are, we would have no need to seek this answer.  But, because we have mistakenly thought ourselves separate from others and Source, we must answer the question correctly to return to the awareness of who we really are.


It may seem such an oversimplification of the problem, but it really is that simple.  We blocked our awareness of our Oneness with Spirit, God, each other, and all of Creation simply by believing we are something other than who we really are.  We didn’t change who we are.  We simply blocked our awareness of who we are.  Everything else we perceive about our lives, ourselves, and the world we live in is based on a mistaken perception.  Is it any wonder we are confused and frightened.  When we base all our perception on a mistaken concept, there is no anchor for our mind.  With no real anchor we drift about on the seas of our perception at the mercy of unfounded perceptions of perceptions.  We need to find that anchor and secure it.


We find the answer to the question in the Holy Spirit.  Spirit is our anchor.  Spirit knows who we really are.  It has never been deceived by any misperception about who we really are.  Spirit knows we are the One Holy Child of God.  It knows we can never be anything else.  It knows we are not separate from the Source that created us.  As we drift about in our misperception about who we are, Spirit holds fast to our true Self knowing we can never be anything other than our true Self.  Spirit knows we cannot do any real harm to ourselves in this mistaken misperceived world.  It knows we will return, one way or another, to the awareness of our true state of being, so It calls to us gently, quietly reminding us of our Oneness, of our holy and whole nature.  We are extensions of Peace and Love and so are Peace and Love.  As we return to the awareness of that Peace and Love within us we see and perceive the world and each other in a seemingly new light.  Everything we experience and encounter in this life is a reminder of who we really are.  And once we remember that, we are the Light that guides each other to that same awareness.


The answer is always “Turn to Spirit.  Let Spirit guide you.”  It doesn’t matter where we are or what’s happening.  Allowing Spirit to guide us in any situation will lead us to the correct answer to the question.  We are the One Holy Child of God.  Let the truth of that answer rise to your mind and be who you really are.  Spirit is waiting.  Let yourself be guided by that Spirit to the awareness of you True Divine Identity.

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