A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-13.VI Finding the Present

abstract background withe sea sunriseNovember 10, 2015

The first part of this section discusses the miracle of the present – now. As we enter in the miracle of the present, light fills our awareness. Not only does light fill our awareness, we become aware that light is the essence in which we see reality and thus eternity. The present is where the “past” fades into unreality and we can release our obsession with the past and the limits we place on ourselves with that obsession. When we release the past and look lovingly on the present, we free ourselves from the limitations and burdens of dragging the past with us in all our thinking. The present moment is the shift to eternity and timelessness.

The present is before time was, and will be when time is no more. In it are all things that are eternal, and they are one. Their continuity is timeless and their communication is unbroken, for they are not separated by the past. Only the past can separate, and it is nowhere.   T-13.VI.6.5-8

The release of our attachment to the past is the end of fear and separation.

The present offers us the opportunity to see all in the light of Oneness. It offers us the interpretation of all we experience and all those we encounter that guides us to the awareness of the real world we are already in. The lesson in each experience guides us to the awareness of our wholeness, our completeness and our abundance. It shows us the truth about each one we encounter and the perfect love they truly are. The present offers us the sight of each other in the light of Oneness that unites us all and frees us from the false burden of the past. Do we choose to hold the past against ourselves and each other? If so we choose to remain in the darkness that is not there and refuse to accept and enter the light we are offered.

For the light of perfect vision is freely given as it is freely received, and can be accepted only without limit. In this one, still dimension of time that does not change, and where there is no sight of what you were, you look at your Higher One Self and call all Witnesses to shine on you because you called them forth.   T-13.VI.6.4-5

Our true essence of wholeness, completeness and limitlessness rises to our awareness in this eternal present moment. This is the miracle of the present. This is the healing we’ve been wanting. This is our salvation, the release from the limits of time.

We are only light. There is no darkness anywhere in us, for we are whole. Each of us is a voice in the song of redemption – the remembrance of who we are – the hymn of gladness and thanksgiving for the light we are. The remembrance of the ancient song that sings of our light is so familiar we join in it instantly and share it with all as we recognize the same light in them.

The Course gives us this commission:

Shine on each other in remembrance of your Creator, for you will remember Oneness as you call forth the witnesses to Creation. Those whom you heal bear witness to your healing, for in their wholeness you will see your own wholeness. And as your hymns of praise and gladness rise to your Creator, That One will return your thanks in the clear Answer to your call. For it can never be that we called upon the One and remained unanswered. The One’s Call to you is but your call to the One. And in This Call you are answered by Peace.   T-13.VI.9.1-5

This present moment – now – is the moment of eternity you’ve been seeking. This is the moment to recognize the peace, joy and love that is within you. Choose to accept the miracle the present offers you and feel yourself and all Creation rise to Heaven on earth. We need never leave. This is our eternal home. Choose “now” right now, leave the past behind, and step into the awareness of who you really are.

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