A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-13.VII The Attainment of the Real World

abstract background withe sea sunriseNovember 17, 2015

The Course teaches us that we see one of two worlds and that only one of those worlds is real. Which one do you see? Is it the world you want to see? How do you feel about the world you see? Are you happy in the world you see? Would you rather see a better more loving world? This section begins with an exercise which we can do no matter what world we see.

Sit quietly and look upon the world you see, and tell yourself: “The real world is not like this. It has no buildings and there are no streets where people walk alone and separate. There are no stores where people buy an endless list of things they do not need. It is not lit with artificial light, and night comes not upon it. There is no day that brightens and grows dim. There is no loss. Nothing is there but shines, and shines forever.”   T-13.VII.1.1-7

This describes the real world where there is no lack, where we are whole and complete, where we live in and share love and peace with all. Where we live in the awareness that we are all One, connected and communing in the love we share with each other. We see each other as we truly are, rather than the false beliefs we hold that we are all separate and that we must get what we need from another. The real world is a world without form. It is a world we already live in even though we may not be aware that it even exists.

The world we think we see is a world we have made of our ideas and beliefs rooted in the belief in separation. Separation is impossible, for we are One, but our belief that separation is possible results in this world we appear to exist in. It is filled with the ideas of lack, fear, and lovelessness that are not real but appear very real to us. The fact is, we cannot see both worlds, for each of them involves a different kind of seeing, and depends on what you cherish. This is not about things, it is about what we think, value and believe. One of the prayer songs we used to sing in church ended each prayer with the words “what I believe I will see.” If I believe that I am or another is unloving, then I will see unlovingness in my world. But if I see love in myself and in another, I will see love in my world. You see love is always there, for that is all that is real. Yet if we chose to cherish the ideas and beliefs that project a loveless world, that world is the world we see. Love and lovelessness cannot be seen at the same time. Lovelessness cannot exist in the presence of love. So what do you cherish? That is what determines the world you see. So we look for a path to lead us out of this so called “world” we have chosen to see by our choice in what we cherish.

Yet the real world, the awareness of Heaven on earth, has the power to touch us, even in this world we think we see, because we love the real world. Even in the midst of experiencing lack of love in the world we see, we still call for love. And love cannot deny its call. Love reaches out and beckons us, extending its helping hand to us as it hears the cries of pain that rise from this strange world we made but do not want. All we need do to exchange this strange loveless world for the world of love we want is a little willingness to recognize that the world we made is false.

You have been wrong about the world because you have misjudged yourself. From such a twisted reference point, what could you see? All seeing starts with the perceiver, who judges what is true and what is false. And what one judges false one does not see. You who would judge reality cannot see it, for whenever judgment enters reality has slipped away. The out of mind is out of sight, because what is denied is there but is not recognized.   T-13.VII.5.1-6

We need not forcibly change our mind on our own. We can simply open our mind to the possibility that there is a better way. Helen and Bill said to each other that there must be a better way. That opened the door to the dictation of the Course that Helen received and Bill helped transcribe. Look upon the world you see with an open mind willing to see differently. That is all Spirit needs to guide you on the path to the awareness of who you really are and the real world – Heaven on earth. All that is not real will fade in the light of eternal

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