A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-13.IX The Cloud of Guilt

abstract background withe sea sunriseJanuary 12, 2016

The idea of guilt is one that I find difficult to fully understand. Perhaps I can try to see it differently. Perhaps I an attached to a perception of guilt that is not what the Course is trying to covey. Paragraph 1.2 says, The guilty always condemn, and having done so they will still condemn, linking the future to the past as is the ego’s law. Perhaps guilt is the idea of linking the future to the past, thus blocking the light of the present from my mind. My attachment to the past certainly condemns me to the unawareness of my true Self that shines in the present. Not seeing my true Light allows me to carry my attachment to the past into the future where I am condemned to repeat the past again and again as I have placed my faith in it and believe it to be real. The word “condemn” may be strong, for we are always whole, but it can certainly seem that way when we are in the middle of it.

The Course asks us again and again to examine what we believe; about ourselves and others and who we are. Our mind is so powerful that what we place our trust in – what we believe – will rule our awareness. The phrase “what I believe I will see” is the manifestation of that power. We have the power of creation given us by our Creator, and we are given free will to do what we want with that power. However, the Creator has willed that we cannot do any harm with our power. Only what is real – holy – can remain while what is mistaken remains only in our egoic mind. We are free to let go of our attachment to what is mistaken at any time we choose to align our mind with the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

Most of us have experienced what being in a dense fog is like. We can only see what is right adjacent to us. All else is murky and blurred. We can’t make out the dim figures around us in the fog. This is what carrying guilt in our mind is like. We can’t see the reality of what is around us because of the fog. Fog is just a low cloud hugging the ground. It is like darkness which the Course tells us is where our egoic mind keeps us. Until we allow the bright light of reality to shine in the darkness, we cannot see reality. The world holds our release from the cloud for us if we are willing to allow Spirit to guide our thoughts. Allowing Spirit to guide us establishes a break in the clouds where the light of truth can shine in and dispel the conditions of darkness. The truth of our wholeness and perfection rises to our minds in that light and reminds us of our true being. It is the joy of the sun coming out after a storm that washes over our mind that reminds us of who we really are. This change of thought is the miracle we are seeking. This change of thought is our redemption, our salvation and the At-One-ment. We return to the awareness that we are all One and there is no separation nor has there ever been any real separation.

The world can give you only what you gave it, for being nothing but your own projection, it has no meaning apart from what you found in it and placed your faith in. Be faithful unto darkness and you will not see, because your faith will be rewarded as you gave it. You will accept your treasure, and if you place your faith in the past, the future will be like it. Whatever you hold dear you think is yours. The power of your valuing will make it so.   T-13.IX.3.1-5

Let us ask ourselves, “What treasure have we chosen for ourselves?” Have we chosen the past and separation as our treasure? Has that really worked for us? Are we willing to let go of our attachment – belief and trust – in that idea and allow the light of the present to shine through the break in the clouds we never noticed before? Spirit is within us waiting for us to be just a little willing to step into the light shining through the break in the cloud of guilt. A remembrance of our wholeness, completeness and limitlessness will come rushing into our mind reminding us of who we really are and our holiness. Now is the time. This present moment is the time. Let that light shine into your mind and step into Oneness which you never really left. The exact now is up to you, but do let it be now and rise on the wings of Oneness to the awareness of who you really are.

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