A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-13.IX The Cloud of Guilt

abstract background withe sea sunriseJanuary 19, 2016

Our reluctance to look within is the cause of our blindness. What are we blind to? We are blind to the truth about who we really are. We are blind to our perfection, our completeness and our limitlessness. We have also come up with ways to “look within” which don’t actually look within at all. We believe we are looking within when are actually projecting our misperceived identity on others and therefore ourselves. Misperception is the root of all our guilt. We believe something less about each other and therefore believe that same less about ourselves. So what do we then do? We blame others for our mistaken belief we hold about them. We may think this absolves us from our responsibility of our thoughts, but that is impossible. No one except ourselves can be responsible for what we think and believe.

What happens, then, is that our belief in a mistaken identity blinds us to our real identity. We move through this human existence in a sort of cloud or fog. We operate as if the mistaken beliefs we hold are true, yet they don’t quite make sense. There are so many inconsistencies and conflicting ideas. We feel less than good about so much in our world. And so we try to blame it on the world we think is affecting us. Our problem is that we are the source of the world we see and think is affecting us. We are looking outside ourselves for the relief we seek from our unpleasant world. Looking within will open us to the release we are seeking.

See no one, then, as guilty, and you will affirm the truth of guiltlessness unto yourself. In every condemnation that you offer the One Child of God lies the conviction of your own guilt. If you would have the Holy Spirit make you free of it, accept Spirit’s offer of At-One-ment for all your sisters and brothers. For so you learn that it is true for you. Remember always that it is impossible to condemn the One Child of God in part. Those whom you see as guilty become the witnesses to guilt in you, and you will see it there, for it is there until it is undone.   T-13.IX.6.1-6

We see what we believe and we can only believe in one idea at one time. Belief in opposing ideas at one time is impossible. Realize that the source of our belief is our own mind and that Spirit is within us waiting for us to allow It to gently correct our beliefs.

Do not be afraid to look within. The egoic thought system tells you all is black with guilt within you, and bids you not to look. Within you is not what you believe is there, and what you put your faith in. Within you is the holy sign of perfect faith your Creator has in you. The One does not value you as you do. The One knows Oneself, and knows the truth in you. The One knows there is no difference, for the One knows not of differences. Can you see guilt where the One knows there is perfect innocence? You can deny Your knowledge, but you cannot change it. Look, then, upon the light the One placed within you, and learn that what you feared was there has been replaced with love.   T-13.IX.8.1-2, 6-13

Our pure perfect light is within us. This pure perfect light has always shone within us striving to break through the cloud of guilt and darkness we held so closely. We could not see it through the fog we had made of the belief in our mistaken perceptions about who we are. Awaken to the light of our true Self within. All that is mistaken will fade at this light’s presence. The remembrance of who we really are will rise in us as we see it rise in each other. As you gently walk in this world we made, allow yourself to see the wholeness and light of each one you encounter. It matters not what the circumstances of the encounter. It is our choice to see with Spirit eyes rather than the body’s eyes. The light will always shine away all that is not true and real. Let the light rise in your mind, for that is where the light is and the cloud is gone.

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