A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-14.IV Your Function in the Atonement

abstract background withe sea sunriseApril 26, 2016

When you have learned how to decide with God, all decisions become as easy and as right as breathing. There is no effort, and you will be led as gently as if you were being carried down a quiet path in summer. Only your own volition seems to make deciding hard. The Holy Spirit will not delay in answering your every question what to do. The Holy Spirit knows. And the Holy Spirit will tell you, and then do it for you. You who are tired will find this is more restful than sleep. For you can bring your guilt into sleeping, but not into this.   T-14.IV.6.1-8

Wow! Is there ever a more beautiful promise? It’s not a promise for when we leave this world and our body behind. It’s a promise for now. It’s a promise that carries us until the time we leave separation and the egoic thought system behind completely. The decision is ours. It’s a decision of intention to decide with our Source – God. How tired we feel fighting our egoic thought system day in and day out when we have Spirit within us willing and waiting for the permission to guide us. And – deciding with Source is more restful than sleep. The Course so often encourages us to rest in God, to rest in At-One-ment. Only a little willingness is required. The rest comes from Spirit within us.

We do not have to make or find reality. It is here within us without our making. And reality is not without us, for we have never left it. We are in the midst of Heaven yet cannot see it because we have made our own barriers to seeing and experiencing reality. We cannot experience Reality and how much Source loves us for there is nothing parallel in the world we think we live to help us understand it. There is nothing on earth that can compare, and nothing we have ever felt, other than our Source, that resembles it even faintly. Even the most awe inspiring experience pales in the completeness of the love of the One within us. It’s time to let go of those barriers and let Love and Peace rise within us.

Our problem is not who or what we are. Our problem is that we have blocked our own awareness of who and what we are. There is a simple solution to removing the barriers to our awareness of who and what we are if we are willing to allow the guidance of Spirit to rise to our minds ad our awareness.

The children of Heaven live in the light of the blessing of their Source, because they know that they are sinless. The At-One-ment was established as the means of restoring guiltlessness to minds that have denied it, and thus denied Heaven to themselves. At-One-ment teaches you the true condition of Oneness. It does not teach you what you are, or what your Source is. The Holy Spirit, Who remembers this for you, merely teaches you how to remove the blocks that stand between you and what you know. Spirit’s memory is yours. If you remember what you have made, you are remembering nothing. Remembrance of reality is in Spirit, and therefore in you.   T-14.IV.9.1-8

As long as we hold on to the blocks to the awareness of who we are in our mind, we are blocked from our communication with our Source in the Mind of God. It is not that it is not there or not happening. We have simply blocked it from our minds. Our acceptance of our guiltlessness, both others and our own, and our decision to decide with Source as guided by Spirit bring us into the awareness of communication with Source. Communication with Source is life. Nothing without it is at all. It is our function to be in communication with Source through Spirit. Accept guiltlessness and At-One-ment, for the awareness of our true Self is there.

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