A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-14.V The Circle of Atonement

abstract background withe sea sunriseMay 3, 2016

Our divinity is woven into the very fabric of our being. It is integral in who we are. It reflects our divine nature and is characterized by peace, love and joy. We are inseparable from this divine nature. Yet we have chosen to deny this divine nature by some means and believed that denial. We dwell on the little beliefs of our egoic thought system that try to convince us we are alone and limited in this world. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The only part of your mind that has reality is the part that links you still with Source, the One. Would you have all of it transformed into a radiant message of the One’s Love, to share with all the lonely ones who have denied their Source? 3 The One makes this possible. Would you deny the One’s yearning to be known? You yearn for your Source, as your Source for you. This is forever changeless. T-14.V.1.1-6

We yearn to be together. We yearn to be in the divine Oneness we are. We have denied the Divine Oneness that is woven into the fabric of our being, and we will never feel complete and whole until we stop denying the divine Oneness we are. The plan of At-One-ment is our return to the awareness of our divine nature. Nothing else will relieve the longing we feel in this world for something better.

We each have our own special part to play in the At-One-ment, yet the message each of us is given is always the same: We are guiltless. We each teach this lesson differently and we each learn this lesson differently. Until we each teach and learn this lesson, we will appear to suffer the pain of our dim awareness that our true function remains unfulfilled in us. When we feel lack and incompleteness, it is a signal that we have not yet learned the lesson of the At-One-ment. If we are not experiencing peace, love and joy, we have not yet taught or learned the lesson of the At-One-ment. Our function is to learn and teach the true nature of our being. Learning that we are not separate from Source and each other – that we are One – is the shift in our belief in who we really are. It is accepting each other’s guiltlessness. It is no longer denying the divine nature that is woven into the fabric of our being. Releasing these mistaken beliefs dissolves the barriers to our awareness of who we really are and rejoins our minds with the Mind of the One – Oneness – which we never really left.

The Course tells us this:

We are all joined in the At-One-ment here, and nothing else can unite us in this world. So will the world of separation slip away, and full communication be restored between the One and Us. The miracle acknowledges the guiltlessness that must have been denied to produce the need of healing. Do not withhold this glad acknowledgment, for hope of happiness and release from suffering of every kind lie in it. Who is there but wishes to be free of pain? We may not yet have learned how to exchange guilt for innocence, nor realize that only in this exchange can freedom from pain be ours. Yet we who have failed to learn need teaching, not attack. To attack those who have need of teaching is to fail to learn from them.   T-14.V.5.1-8

The Circle of At-One-ment is the condition in which we correctly learn and teach the lesson we need to teach and learn. It is a mindful state that allows us to release our desire to be alone and separate from Oneness. As we relax into this state of mindfulness we release our need for guilt and accept the guiltlessness that then allows our divine nature, woven into our being, to rise to our awareness and bring peace, love and joy to our minds. The joy in the reuniting in Oneness has no parallel. It is truly divine. And so we join in the Circle of At-One-ment.

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