A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-23.III Salvation Without Compromise

April 13, 2010

Our gift to each other must be genuine.  If it is not, it is nothing.  No matter how beautifully it is wrapped or how graciously it is presented, if it isn’t genuine, it is nothing, just an empty box.  Such is the gift of forgiveness.  Is the forgiveness we offer each other genuine?  Is it sincere?  If we withhold any forgiveness from each other our gift becomes an empty shell.  It becomes ingenuine.  And what we offer each other we receive ourselves.

Our purpose in this world is to offer each other Salvation.  We recognize in each other the holy One that is God’s creation.  And we release all other thoughts about who we are.  There is no compromise in salvation.  We either see each other as we really are or we do not.  It doesn’t matter how we wrap our thoughts.  It doesn’t matter how gentle and loving we present our thoughts.  If they are not in line with the Sight of God they are compromised and therefore not truth.  They could even be called an attack since they see another as less than or unequal.  An attack is always an attack no matter how beautifully it is wrapped or presented.

We allow ourselves to move to the place of no compromise when we let go of all we have thought.  We needn’t judge our thoughts and figure out which are holy and which aren’t.  When we turn them all over to Spirit, what is holy remains and what is not fades away.  Salvation is complete when we recognize each other as who we really are.  We see God in each other.  We see the love and light of God radiating from within each One we encounter.  We know without a doubt that God dwells within each One without exception.  What a blessing this is.  What a relief this is.  Once we are willing to really let go and let Spirit guide our thoughts, we experience a freedom we have longed for.  We recognize it as what we wanted, but had never seen within us for we were looking outside ourselves.

Love without compromise.  Live in peace without compromise.  Let the light of God shine from within you without compromise.  Let go of all you ever thought without compromise.  This is God’s will for us.  It is the freedom of living the spirit filled life within that shines its offer to all we encounter.  Give it freely and you will discover it in abundance within.

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