A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-23.IV Above the Battleground

April 20, 2010

We often feel like we are in the middle of a battlefield.  Sometimes the battle is raging around us, and sometimes the battlefield is quiet around us.  Even in its seeming peacefulness, we are waiting for the next attack, remaining alert for that attack, being ever-vigilant in watching for the next inevitable attack.  That’s certainly not peaceful.  In fact, it is usually quite disturbing.  Our mind is tuned in to attack.  Since attack and peace are not the same, we cannot experience peace when we choose to experience attack.

Heaven is the mindset God created for us to live in while we see ourselves as separated.  Heaven is a state of being, a state of consciousness, a state of awareness.  Heaven is truth, it is reality.  Nothing untrue can exist in Heaven.  No illusion can exist in Heaven.  Attack cannot exist in Heaven.  So if we are experiencing attack, or anything else untrue or unreal, we are not aware of the Heaven we are in.  It is a paradox that we can be somewhere such as Heaven and not be aware of it.  But that is exactly what we are doing.  We have chosen to believe in attack and so do not see the peace of Heaven within and surrounding us.  We have chosen to be aware of the battlefield within our mind.  We are totally into the attack thoughts, the unloving thoughts in our mind.

Spirit asks us to allow ourselves to be lifted above the battlefield of our mind.  From that vantage point our perspective is different.  We become the observer of our thoughts and our mind.  We see through the many forms we have given the idea of attack.  We can see they are all untrue, unreal.  We see the seeming devastation they seem to bring, but as we look, the battlefield is transformed into the loving consciousness of Heaven.  As we allow our relationships with each other to be lifted above the battlefield, we see their true loving nature deep within.  In the transcendence of our relationships above their seeming form, they are healed.  They find forgiveness.  They become what they have always been though weren’t aware of, unconditional love.

What a beautiful gift this is.  What a beautiful way to see clearly.  God always provides for us what is right, good, true, and abundant.  Are we ready and willing to allow ourselves to be lifted above the battlefield of our mind, change our perspective and see the state of Heaven God has placed us in?  Allow all God has to come into your awareness.  Whatever is not of God will fade away.  Let go and let it be.

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