A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-5.II The Voice for God

abstract background withe sea sunriseJuly 30, 2013

The Course tells us that healing is reparative, or restorative.  Healing restores the mind to its original whole way of thinking.  Healing returns our mind to the awareness of our right minded way of thinking.  I am reminded of the 23rd Psalm where it talks about restoring our soul.  In that Psalm we are guided to lie down in green pastures and to walk by the still waters, restoring our souls.  How peaceful and comforting this sounds.  Indeed healing is a return to the awareness of our true being, whole, One with God, peaceful, and divine.


The separation occurred when we made an incorrect choice to see ourselves as separate from Source.  We are created with the ability to create, but we also can miss-create by choosing to use our creative power guided by our mind that sees us separated from Source.  Once we chose to make this separated thought system and thus remove ourselves from communication with Source, we were given the Holy Spirit to guide us in our choices and perceptions.  The Holy Spirit was placed within our minds as a reminder of who we really are. Spirit calls to us constantly, waiting for us to let go of our self made thought system and follow Spirit’s guidance.  Once we chose to believe the wrong-minded thought system we made up, it blocks the awareness of our true mind and thought system.  The Holy Spirit is the Voice for God, calling us and reminding us of who we really are.  It is our willingness to allow ourselves to hear this call that will bring us to the path of healing our mind and returning to the awareness of who we are.


The Holy Spirit is God’s response to the separation.  Once we perceived ourselves as separate and complete apart from God and thus incorrectly, God placed Sprit in our minds to guide us back to our true wholeness.  Spirit is joy.  And it reminds us of the joy within our being we have blocked from our awareness.  Joyousness is our natural state of being.  Joyousness comes from the awareness of the radiant joy and light within us.  Even as we chose a darkness that blocks our awareness of the divine light within, God begins calling us back using Spirit to call and remind us of our true nature.  Allow your mind to be quiet for a moment.  Lie down in that green pasture.  Contemplate the still waters.  Allow the Peace of God to well up within you.


Listen to Spirit’s guidance as It leads you in changing your thought system.  Miracle-mindedness allows the door of willingness to open just enough to let the call of Spirit in.  The Divine light of Oneness follows in its wake.  No more do we need to be overwhelmed by the worries and trials of the world, for Spirit guides us to the awareness of a right-minded world where correct perception flows through us as guided by Spirit.  It is possible to hear only that Voice that calls to us and no other.  The guidance of Spirit makes that possible.  And our lives even in this world of form revel in the joyousness of Heaven on earth.  Let it be so.

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