A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-5.II The Voice for God

abstract background withe sea sunriseAugust 6, 2013

We are the Realm of Heaven, nothing more, nothing less.  This is the radiant Realm of Light.  It shines forth forever.  There is no limit to Heaven’s radiance or its reach.  It is peaceful, it abounds in Love and Joy.  It is abundance itself where lack is not even a concept.  This is our true state of being.  This is who and what we are.  This is the beauty of our creation.  It doesn’t matter what name we give this Heaven, it is always this Grandeur of Light, Peace, and Joy.  It flows through our being with infinite Grace without a trace of anything less.


But wait a minute.  What happened?  Our world certainly doesn’t look like this to us right now.  We allowed the belief in darkness to enter our mind.  We chose to separate our minds from the awareness of Light and believe instead we are separate from the reality we cannot be separate from.  Just as we allowed the belief in darkness to enter our mind, our Creator placed the Holy Spirit within our mind to remind and guide us on our journey back to the awareness of who we really are.  By believing in this darkness, we severed our mind from the knowledge through which the Creator communicates with us.  Since our Creator honors the free will to choose that is our holy gift and wishes not to hinder our creative choice in any way, the Creator gives us a Voice to speak for our true state of being. This Voice calls to us, quietly and gently reminding us of who we really are.


Spirit calls to us both to remember and forget:  to remember who we really are, and to forget the state of opposition we have chosen.  Spirit calls to us to again make a choice.  In the holy state, where our will is free and unlimited, choice is meaningless.  But once we have chosen to separate our mind, we must make another choice to undo that error of choice.  Spirit gives us a holy choice with which to correct that choice.  It is actually the unchoosing of our previous mistaken choice and making the correct choice guided by Spirit.


The Voice of Sprit is gentle.  It does not command, demand, overcome, or attack.  It simply gently reminds.  The Voice is compelling only because of what it reminds us of.  It brings to our mind the other way; the real way.  It remains quiet even in the midst of the turmoil we have gotten caught up in.  Spirit guides us to the part of our mind that speaks for the right choice; that knows where to find the peace love, and joy that are our real state of wholeness.  It brings us back to the awareness of our higher state of mind.  Here we recognize the reality of who we really are.  We may find it takes a few – or perhaps more – steps to reach that awareness, but Sprit knows the perfect steps for us to take and will guide us in those steps if we will simply make the choice to allow our minds to be guided by Spirit.


What do we really want?  If we want to be in the Realm of Heaven radiating light, love, peace, and joy, make the choice to unchoose our belief in darkness and let Spirit guide us to the light that is our natural state of being.  The peace of Heaven is truly ours if we will just let it be ours.  Let it be so.

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