A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-I9.II Sin Versus Error

January 16, 2018

Our egoic thought system is vey invested in the idea of sin. The idea of sin is a tool our egoic thought system uses to keep us invested in the mistaken idea that we are separate. The idea of sin is final and irreversible. There is no getting beyond or around it. It is fatal! The egoic thought system believes sin is uncorrectable. We are sunk, so to speak. Never mind that Spirit teaches that there is no such thing as sin and that we are sinless. Our own egoic thought system has convinced us that we are doomed to death because we are of a sinful nature and there is nothing that can possibly redeem us from its fate. The egoic thought system can be so dramatic. If we are created in the image of the One, then is the One also sinful and unredeemable? If not, then the opposite must be true; that we are created in the image of the One and therefore sinless as the One is. Our egoic thought system has deemed sin “truth” and, thus, made sin holy.

We then carry this idea into our relationships and judge each other and ourselves accordingly. Remember that making “special” is basically judging someone or something and making our happiness conditional on that someone or something. Deeming someone or something “sinful” is a sure-fire way to reinforce the idea of separation in our minds. To the egoic thought system, “sin” is the ultimate power that appears to be absolute. Is it any wonder we quake in our boots when the idea rears its ugly head? Do we dare entertain the idea that it is not true?

There is nothing in all the ego’s world that is more heavily defended than the idea that sin is real; the natural expression of what we have made ourselves to be, and thus what we are. To the ego, this is no mistake. For this is its reality; this is the “truth” from which escape will always be impossible. This is our past, our present and our future. For we have somehow managed to corrupt our Creator, and change our Creator’s Mind completely. Mourn, then, the death of the One, whom sin has killed! And this would be the ego’s wish, which, in its madness, believes it has accomplished.

Would you not rather that all this be nothing more than a mistake, entirely correctable, and so easily escaped from that its whole correction is like walking through a mist into the sun? For that is all it is. Perhaps you would be tempted to agree with the ego that it is far better to be sinful than mistaken. Yet think you carefully before you allow yourself to make this choice. Approach it not lightly, for it is the choice of hell or Heaven.   T-19.II.8:1-5

We do have a choice – Heaven or hell. Belief in sinfulness is faithlessness and that is surely separation and hell. Our choice, however, can be to have faith that sin is merely a mistake and wholly correctable. We can always look within to our Higher Holy Spirit Self for guidance. We can allow our minds to be changed from “sinfulness” to a belief that it is merely a mistake that can be corrected through the guidance of Spirit. For we are created Holy; whole, complete and divine. We are created incorruptible as we are one with the Holy One – inseparable in Oneness. Let this realization dawn in your mind and the love of all that is real and true will fill your mind with the awareness of who you really are. Allow the idea of “sin” to be corrected in your mind and awaken to the awareness of your divine being in Oneness with all of creation.

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