A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-I9.II Sin Versus Error

January 23, 2018

The Course teaches us about the difference between sin and error because we have become so attached to the finality and power of the idea sin. It is a false and mistaken idea, but we need to learn that there is no such thing as sin and that we cannot be defiled in any way. Heaven cannot be defiled, and neither can we. Our journey in the world is to reawaken to our true essence – the One Holy Child of Oneness.

What is our true essence, who we really are? We are the One’s creation, clear and simple.  All the Creator creates is innocent, pure and holy. There is no exception. And what is not innocent, pure and holy cannot be real. This is plain and simple. Yet we have somehow got the mistaken idea that we are not as we are created. Out of this idea we have made mistakes, errors. But can we ever change the truth of who we really are? No matter how many mistakes we make, we can never make ourselves anything other than the Holy One we really are. An error is reversible, it can be corrected. But “sin”, were it possible, is irreversible. Our Creator has given us free will to make mistakes, to deceive ourselves, and even to use the power of our mind against ourselves. But we cannot sin. To sin would be to make ourselves something other than what we are, to change our essence, our reality. But there is nothing we can possibly do that would change who we really are. Do we really think we can destroy what the One created? To think so is arrogant. For how could anyone destroy what the One has created immortal? The idea of sinfulness is the cornerstone of the egoic thought system’s idea of separation. What better foundation of an idea against Oneness but one that seems to destroy what Oneness has created? The simple fact is that it can’t be done. The idea of sinfulness is only a mistaken one and it can always be corrected just by changing our mind and stepping into the awareness of who we really are. There, in that awareness, we find Oneness, the experience of love, peace and holiness that carries us home to joy and the knowledge of who we really are.

Do you choose to live in hell or Heaven?  This choice is for right now, this very moment. We can choose to see ourselves as “sinners”, having “sinned” and permanently made ourselves unacceptable to the One, needing someone outside of ourselves to make us acceptable. This idea is surely hell. Or, we can see ourselves as the One sees us, as we are created, only having made the mistake of perceiving ourselves as something other than who we really are, pure, innocent and holy. How could this be, for we are one with the One? The idea of “sin” is to say that the One is corruptible and can be defeated. But “sin” cannot be real because the Creator did not create sin. The One only created good. So the idea that we are “sinners” – that we are permanently damaged – is a mistake, an error. And errors can be corrected. We always have the choice to change our mind and see ourselves as we are created. Our separated mind, the idea that we are separate from Oneness at all, uses the idea of “sin” to keep us thinking we are permanently separate. It is the ultimate weapon of the egoic thought system. If we see “sin” as real, as truth, we cannot see Oneness as Oneness truly is, Truth. For two different truths cannot coexist. Would you not rather see “sinfulness” as simply a mistaken idea that is wholly correctable?

Choosing the Truth that Oneness is as Oneness is and that we are One with the One is as gentle and easy as walking through a mist and emerging into the sunlight. The choice is ours. We made up the idea that we are anything other than what we really are, and it is our choice whether to correct it or not. By not correcting the idea, we live in hell for the time being. But by just simply correcting our idea of separation to seeing ourselves as we really are, we step into the light of Heaven right now in this moment. It is our choice right now. Will you choose Heaven today? Spirit is waiting within us to guide us in this choice and step into the awareness of Heaven’s light.

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