A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-20.IV Entering the Ark

June 26, 2018

What if our real world is nothing but peace, love and joy? Could we be open to this possibility for just a moment? The Course teaches there is nothing but peace, love and joy. It also teaches that all fear, limitation and suffering is merely a mistaken perception and is not real. However, for those of us who experience these feelings, they seem very real and we see no way to escape from them. The world we think we see with our bodies’ eyes is a world distorted through the lens of separation. As we have aligned our thoughts with our belief that we are many separate beings, we have perceived a world of many unlike identities. The world appears to be comprised of many competing beings and ideas. Sometimes it can feel very lonely. Could it be possible that there is another interpretation? Most of us have felt some sort of wider connection with others at some point in our existence. Whether of not we believe in a God or some other larger concept, we have somehow felt this connection among beings some way. Perhaps there is a deeper or higher connection.

The Course teaches there is another way, another plan. We give as we receive. There is power within us to see power within another and share with them the power of the release from separation we offer them. To each who walks this earth in seeming solitude a savior is given, whose special function here is to release them, and so to free themselves. In the world of separation each is appointed separately, though they are all the same. Yet those who know that they are all One do not need salvation. Each one of us finds our savior when we are ready to look upon the face of Oneness within another and see them whole and joined. In reality we are all joined in Oneness with each other and with Source. Nothing can change this fact, yet we can perceive our world differently.

Our purpose given to us in this world is to heal this belief in separation. Do not think the forgiveness of another serves only the two of you alone. The whole new world rests in the hands of every two who enter here to rest. As we rest, the face of Heaven shines on us and we remember the reality of Oneness, forgetting all else that is not real. We can no more leave one of us outside than Source could leave us and forget part of what is One. Through our relationships we heal our belief in separation and remember we are One with each other and One with all of Creation. The friend with whom we will heal our relationship is with us when we are ready. Is that time now? It is our choice. We will decide to open our minds when we are ready to accept real happiness, love, and peace. There the awareness of our Oneness will follow our willingness to leave separation behind.

You may wonder how you can be at peace when, while you are in time, there is so much that must be done before the way to peace is open. Perhaps this seems impossible to you. But ask yourself if it is possible that God would have a plan for your salvation that does not work. Once you accept God’s plan as the one function that you would fulfill, there will be nothing else the Holy Spirit will not arrange for you without your effort. Spirit will go before you making straight your path, and leaving in your way no stones to trip on, and no obstacles to bar your way. Nothing you need will be denied you. Not one seeming difficulty but will melt away before you reach it. You need take thought for nothing, careless of everything except the only purpose that you would fulfill. As that was given you, so will its fulfillment be. God’s guarantee will hold against all obstacles, for it rests on certainty and not contingency. It rests on you.  And what can be more certain than the One Child of God?   T-20.IV.8:1-12

Do not think that you do not need to do your part in the whole. In your part lies all of it, without which is no part complete, nor is the whole completed without your part. The ark of peace is entered two by two, yet the beginning of another world goes with them. Each holy relationship must enter here, to learn its special function in Spirit’s plan, now that it shares Spirit’s purpose. As this purpose is fulfilled, a new world rises in which separation cannot enter, and where we can enter without fear and where we rest a while, to forget imprisonment and to remember freedom. Choose today to see another as they really are and step into the ark of peace that is the Heaven we seek.

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