A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-20.V Heralds of Eternity

July 3, 2018

We are in this temporal world of form on a journey back to the awareness of who we really are. We are really One with each other and all that is. We are One with Source. We are One with all that is eternal and limitless. All that is real is connected and innocent. All that is real is completely without any kind of sin or any kind of flaw. We are created whole and we remain whole in Oneness. Any idea that tells us otherwise is merely a mistake, born of a misperception of truth and reality. We have blocked our awareness of our true nature, our true being, by believing we are somehow separate from all others and all else. And, we reinforce this belief by making our relationships in this temporal world appear as we believe them to be. This belief blocks the awareness of who we are from our minds.

The journey back to the awareness of our natural state of being is through the healing of our relationships. Each one we encounter on this journey is there to help us remember who we really are. They come into our lives so we may change our mind and look beyond their appearance to their irrefutable wholeness hidden by what we think we see. We offer the miracle of healing our relationships by offering each other the awareness of their wholeness as we join with them in Oneness.

In this world, We come closest to ourselves in a holy relationship. There we begin to find the certainty our Creator has in them. And there we find our function of restoring our Creator’s laws to what was held outside them, and finding what was lost. Only in time can anything be lost, and never lost forever. So do the parts of the One Child gradually join in time, and with each joining is the end of time brought nearer. Each miracle of joining is a mighty herald of eternity. No one who has a single purpose, unified and sure, can be afraid. No one who shares their purpose with them can not be one with them.   T-20.V.1:1-8

We are the heralds of eternity. We are the ones who call out in the darkness proclaiming light that shines away the darkness. Once we awaken to the light and wholeness within us we begin to remember we are all joined in Oneness. The light within each and every one of us has never dimmed nor was ever extinguished. We simply, in our denial of our own light, shuttered our light so we could not see it ourselves. Our partners on our journey could see our light, but we denied it was there and refused to see it reflected in their faces. Thus, we created a symbolic hell of the darkness we believed was there. We can open the shutters with which we blocked our light. This is what begins our return to the awareness of reality and eternity.

Each herald of eternity sings of the end of sin and fear. Each speaks in time of what is far beyond it. Two voices raised together call to the hearts of everyone, to let them beat as one. And in that single heartbeat is the unity of love proclaimed and given welcome. Peace to your holy relationship, which has the power to hold the unity of the One Child together. You give to your friend for everyone, and in your gift is everyone made glad. Forget not Who has given you the gifts you give, and through your not forgetting this, will you remember Who gave the gifts to this One to give to you.   T-20.V.2:1-7

Offer your relationships to Spirit for healing. In this offer, you can rest assured you will see correctly. You will see you friend as they truly are, whole and complete. In their healed appearance will you see your whole and complete Self reflected back to you. You will see you relationship joined in Oneness, never again to be seen as separate. Your example will be the Herald of Eternity shining in Holy Oneness for others to see and return to. Let the light within you shine. It truly is the Light of world.

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