A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-20.VI The Temple of the Holy Spirit

July 10, 2018

We have been learning about the role our relationships with each other have in our journey back to the awareness of who we really are. This is the role our relationships play in the healing of our mind and the attainment of peace. In a like manner, our relationships with each other reflect our relationship with our Creator, God, the One, Oneness, or Source – whatever we call that force which we inherently are. Our real relationship with our Creator is wholly loving and forever. Yet we have invented an unholy – “special” –  relationship between ourselves and our Creator. Our real relationship is one of perfect union and unbroken continuity. The relationship we made is partial, self-centered, broken into fragments and full of fear. The relationship created by our Creator is wholly Self-encompassing and Self-extending. The one we made in separation is wholly self-destructive and self-limiting.

Nothing can show the contrast better than the experience of both a holy and an unholy relationship. The first is based on love, and rests on it serene and undisturbed. The body does not intrude upon it. Any relationship in which the body enters is based not on love, but on idolatry. Love wishes to be known, completely understood and shared. It has no secrets; nothing that it would keep apart and hide. It walks in sunlight, open-eyed and calm, in smiling welcome and in sincerity so simple and so obvious it cannot be misunderstood.   T-20.VI.2:1-7

Which kind of relationship have we chosen for our own? Is it fearful or loving? Are we or are we not at peace? The relationships we have with others in our life will reflect some aspect of this primary relationship. And, if we are not in Oneness, we will not feel love and peace in our lives. We cannot share when we are aligned with separation. We can be loved, but cannot love. We do not understand what we are offered, and any relationship in which we enter has lost its meaning. The love of an unholy relationship has made love meaningless. We live in secrecy, hating the sunlight and happy in the body’s darkness, where we can hide and keep our secrets hidden along with them. Thus we have no relationships, for no one else is truly welcome there. We smile on no one, and those who smile on us we do not truly see. These unholy relationships are a sham, merely excuses for real relationships. They are relationships that survive only in darkness, fearing the light at all costs.

Love has no darkened temples where mysteries are kept obscure and hidden from the sun. It does not seek for power, but for relationships. The body is the ego’s chosen weapon for seeking power through relationships. And its relationships must be unholy, for what they are it does not even see. It wants them solely for the offerings on which its idols thrive. The rest it merely throws away, for all that it could offer is seen as valueless. Homeless, the ego seeks as many bodies as it can collect to place its idols in, and so establish them as temples to itself.   T-20.VI.4:1-7

Our true temple, filled with Spirit’s wisdom, love and peace, is our relationships. As we allow Spirit to fill and transform our relationships, we are filled with light, love, and peace. We find the power we are given in our creation limitless yet needing no effort. All fear melts away as the light within us shines away any darkness we may have harbored. As our relationships heal, so does our mind heal. We discover, again, the limitlessness of our divine nature. We find that we have never been lost in darkness. We find that love and peace are the all-encompassing qualities we share with each other and our Creator in this holy and complete reality. What seemed unknown and unreachable has always been within us waiting for us to look within and find it there in the holiness of our true Self. Look again at those around you and allow the holiness of your relationships shine forth. Here is Spirit’s temple in you.

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