A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-4.in Introduction

abstract background withe sea sunriseApril 9, 2013

This Sunday’s weekly thought sent out by the Foundation for Inner Peace is “…A holy relationship can never end.”  (T-22-Intro:4:9-10)  It is so appropriate to the Introduction we will read this week.  The Bible tells us to go with another twice as far as they ask.  We are certainly not asked to set another back on their journey.  Our devotion to each other as we journey together, when approached with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, will definitely not set us or another back in any way.  Spirit will always guide us in a holy relationship, not anything else.  If our relationship functions otherwise, we have removed ourselves from Spirit’s guidance.  A genuine, truly helpful, journey together will never set either back, for it can only lead to mutual progress.


The result of a devotion to another in this way is inspiration, which is properly understood as the opposite of fatigue.  No matter what experiences and challenges either of us on this journey experience together, the indicator of our presence of mind is whether we feel fatigued (dis-spirited) or inspired and peaceful.  It is our choice whether we are ego centric or spirit centric at any given moment.  As we allow our mind to rest in the Mind of God, we are inspired and enlightened, allowing darkness to fade as we become aware of the light within.  Spirit guides us in all things if we will simply listen to its guidance.  Our true mind, One with the Mind of God, recognizes that guidance for it remembers it and recognizes that it has always been with us, but simply ignored.


How do we listen to Spirit’s guidance?  We are told to “Be still and know that I am God.”   Are we willing to be still?  Can we just stop our busy minds for a moment and just be willing to let our thoughts be still?  Spirit needs just a little opening in the cacophony of thoughts our busy minds propagate.  When we choose not to be guided by Spirit, we find ourselves on useless journeys that lead us nowhere except in circles, building more and more blocks to the awareness of who we really are.  Spirit knows who we really are and holds that truth for us, reminding us of that truth whenever we will listen for a moment.


Life and resurrection are the direction of our journey.  Life is the awareness of who we really are.  Life, true life, cannot end since it is of God and we are One with God in that life.  Resurrection is the return to the awareness of that life we are.  Leave crucifixion and death behind.  How many times do we need to re-enact the separation, the denial of power, before we are willing to reawaken to the awareness of our Divinity and Oneness with God?  There is no need to “cling to the old rugged cross” anymore.  It doesn’t matter what we did before now.  Now is the time to allow ourselves to listen to Spirit’s guidance and reawaken to the awareness of who we really are and who our brothers and sisters really are.  Let it be so.

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