A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-4.I Right Teaching and Right Learning

abstract background withe sea sunriseApril 16, 2013

When we first changed our mind from knowing we are One with God and all Creation to thinking we are separate, we first experienced change and with that change, fear.  That first thought of separation caused the blocks to the awareness of who we really are from our split mind.  Our One Mind knows who we are, but we’ve given our attention to our split mind, our egoic mind, our little self.  We now concentrate our thoughts on reinforcing our idea of who we have mistakenly thought we are; our separate identity.  This mistaken identity is now the basis of our thought system.  And now it is time for us to learn and teach ourselves and each other how to correct our thought system.


Our function in this world we now see is to correct our mistaken thoughts and the mistaken thought system that lies beneath it.  We do this by unlearning what we have taught and learned ourselves over the years we have been doing so.   Spirit has no need of learning, but our ego, our egoic thought system certainly does.  Left to its own devices, our separated mind, our ego, will protect its separateness with all its might since change threatens its very existence.  But Spirit is perfectly capable of guiding us in correcting our thought system in just the right way if we are willing to let it do so.  Right teaching and Right learning come from the guidance of Spirit.  When we learn, we also teach, and vice versa.


A good teacher clarifies what they teach and believes what they teach.  What we teach is to be tested and known to us as true.  The teacher and the student are alike in the learning process for they share a conviction and a desire to change their thought systems together.  For success, the teacher must also believe in the student.  A sense of mutual respect and willingness to make a difference is essential in the teacher student relationship to transform their thought systems and that relationship into a holy relationship.


Teaching and learning are our greatest strengths right now, for they help us change our thought system and help us change the thought systems of others.  This isn’t a top down method like so much teaching and learning we are used to.  This process is a mutual process of giving and receiving that works in every facet of our lives in this world.  Teaching and learning to correct our thought systems happens at work, at school, at home, and in every other facet of our daily lives.  It comes in every imaginable form and countless others.  Spirit guides us in this curriculum each and every moment that we are open to its guidance.  When we find ourselves in a situation, we need not look for the lesson alone.  We simply ask Spirit to guide us to the lesson we need to learn.  Release the need to control every little thought.  Allow Spirit to guide you to the perfect teaching or learning moment.  With Spirit’s guidance it will definitely be Right teaching and Right learning.

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