A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-4.I Right Teaching and Right Learning

abstract background withe sea sunriseApril 30, 2013

Our tendency is to trust what we have become accustomed to, what is familiar to us.  We think this is what we know, but it has nothing to do with what we know.  We

Have spent a lifetime learning to rely on ourselves for all we need.  Sometimes we’ll rely on others for just a bit, when necessary or when it suits us, but we generally prefer to rely on ourselves.  We think that we will not let ourselves down, or at least not as much as others will let us down.  Our ego mind uses the idea and belief in separation to consistently reinforce this belief.    But what it’s really doing is distracting us from what we already know deep within us. We do know who we really are.  We do remember the joy, peace and love that are within us, and that are the essence of our being.  We know we are One with God, each other and all Creation, whole, unlimited, and powerful as we are created by God.  The belief in the ego thought system, however, keeps our awareness of our holiness hidden from our split mind since we can only see one thought system at a time.  Anythng that disagrees with the separation thought system is seen to be false no matter what its truth.


God and Spirit, which God created, never make this mistake in thought systems.  God is the Mind of God and sees nothing but reality.  God created Creation whole and unchangeable, and so sees us as we really are, One with God, whole, and perfect.  However, God created Spirit able to see both Truth and the world of perception we each made up in our separation thought systems we each made.  And Spirit’s function is to guide us, when we are willing to allow it, in changing our way of thinking – our thought systems.  Step by step Spirit guides us in making the small changes we can handle in our minds.  Through this process we learn and teach each other correct perceptions of ourselves and each other, letting the Light within us shine brighter and brighter for us all to see.  As we take these steps, the peace, love, and joy within us wells up and flows from us in a never-ending supply, washing over us with infinite blessing.  Isn’t this what we are really looking for?


Our true Self is One with God, all others, and all of Creation.  Our True Self recognizes its radiance and gladly sheds its light everywhere, leaving no thing or one untouched.  Our true essence is that powerful.  We cannot be limited.  Humility is not for our Spirit, but for our ego thought system.  It is simply a recognition that our reality is that we are all God is, and our separation thought system is simply mistaken.  “The meek shall inherit the earth” means that those who let go of their mistaken thought systems and rejoin the Mind of God will see the real world, the world as God meant it to be seen – full of blessing.  We will find peace, love, and joy in that awareness of who we all really are.  The Mind of God, the one real thought system, will show us a new world full of love and grace – joy, peace, and happiness.  Our simple task is to be willing and allow Spirit to guide us in every decision on this journey.  Let yourself be just a little willing and let it be so.

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