A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-4.I Right Teaching and Right Learning

abstract background withe sea sunriseApril 23, 2013

The Course is guiding us in learning and teaching a “new” thought system.  It’s really unlearning our ego-based or separation-based thought system and reawakening to our real thought system we have always had.  We just lost our awareness of it by believing separation’s thought system.  We can only be true to one thought system at a time.  Over time, the course narrator, who Helen saw as Jesus, teaches and guides us step by step in teaching us to correct our thought system.  We also teach each other as we learn.  The teacher and the student must both be thinking at the level of perception to understand and be of service to each other.  Our guide in this shift in thought systems understands perception and how it works, and so can effectively guide us in correcting our thought system.


Our intention is also an important factor in this shift.  The intention to reawaken to the Divine Self we really are and the Divine Self each one we encounter really is makes this shift possible.  Our intention, our willingness, is the key to letting go of our attachment to the incorrect thought system and allowing the awareness of our natural thought system to reawaken within us.  As we awaken, our brothers and sisters also reawaken in our perception.  We begin to see their true identity even when they may continue to hold on to their mistaken identity.  The process of teaching and learning our natural thought system is right teaching and right learning.  We are using the tools of teaching and learning, which we used to learn the separation thought system, to relearn our natural thought system.  The problem is not how we change our thinking, it’s what we change our thinking to!


The basis of our natural thought system is grounded in understanding our origin and the origin of each and every One in Creation.  God created all of us like God; whole, perfect, pure, and free.  Peace, Love, Joy, and Happiness are the characteristics of our real existence.  If we feel otherwise, we have shifted our thinking to the separation thought system and turned our thinking over to the ego, resulting in erroneous learning, erroneous teaching, and misperception.  Allowing Spirit to correct this error in thinking brings us back to the awareness of who we really are, as God created us.  Let Spirit guide you in this shift in thought systems.  Only Spirit can see where we need to go in this shift.  We cannot see the correct lesson until we allow ourselves to be One with Spirit.  Let it be so and watch the world you see shift in the Light of Truth.

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