A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-1.I Principles of Miracles

abstract background withe sea sunriseAugust 14, 2012

Last week I quoted the following beautiful passage from the Course. Unfortunately the reference had errors. The reference is corrected and the passage is still beautiful.

When you have learned how to decide with God, all decisions become as easy and as right as breathing. There is no effort, and you will be led as gently as if you were being carried down a quiet path in summer.

A Course in Miracles T-14.IV.6:1-2

Can you imagine the kind of day you would have if you started each day with this thought? Give it a try. Place a copy on your mirror, the refrigerator, your front door, or your computer monitor. A life loved in God consciousness is a life that flows as naturally as breathing. Making it a habit to make decisions with God is the practice that will result in the higher consciousness we seek. How many times do you have to do something to make it a habit? Decide that many times with God. If it’s still not a habit, decide that many more times with God, and keep doing so until it becomes habit. All you need to make it a habit is a little willingness or desire to have it be so.

As we continue reading and discussing the Principles of Miracles, we find both challenge and comfort in them. The challenge is to allow ourselves to let each miracle change our thinking and affect the way we think. We are so used to doing our thinking in our own way, the way we have always done and the way we have evolved our thinking on our own. And the joy is that the changed thought is not something outside ourselves or foreign to us. The changed thought is already within us. The changed thought is brought up in our awareness by the miracle process. Our Mind is the Mind of God. To think with and decide with God does not involve anything outside of us. We already have everything we need to be who we really are. We are already that One and are willing to let that Oneness come into our awareness.

Are we willing to let miracle thinking surface? As Principle 47 tells us, miracles are learning devices. They help us learn to decide with God. They help us make a habit of deciding with God. Once we really make it a habit, we will communicate with God or Spirit naturally and without the effort of remembering to do so. The Holy Spirit and miracles work together to correct all our misperception. As we allow the miracle to direct our thoughts and our thinking, what is based in Truth remains and all incorrect thoughts fade away. They are merely mistaken and are replaced by correct thoughts that rise from within to our awareness.

Miracles are temporary shifts in our thinking that result in substantial awareness over time. They create collapses of time that bring the awareness of our Divinity into our focus for us. At first we drift away fairly quickly from that awareness. But as each miracle created that holy instant for us, we rest in the clarity of that awareness for a little while longer. What a blessing it is to experience these shifts in awareness. Welcome them with open arms and open minds. Drop all resistance to the shift they bring. The full awareness of who you really are and your connection to all creation will manifest n the boundless peace, love, and joy within you. Let it be so.

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